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Dr. Frank Marquardt-Schleffler

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Frank Marquardt is postdoctoral researcher and manager for Digitization and Meta Data of the Anglo-German Prize Papers Project (www.prizepapers.de).

Furthermore, he is a lecturer for Early Modern History at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany. He was also actively involved in the "VillaGeistreich" for research-orientated learning in schools and with students.

In his PhD project, he focused on the self-narratives of Herrnhut missionaries in the Danish Caribbean colonies and analysed their reflections of Afro-Caribbean converts, colonial authorities and various other actors in the highly dynamic colonial arrangements. He examined disciplinary practices, understandings of space, rituals of identity formation and processes of "othering".

He is currently interested in the field of academic management and digital humanities due to his commitments in the Prize Papers project.


since 05.2023 Coordination / Digitization and Meta Data Management of the research and digitisation project "Prize Papers".
since 07.2022

Deputy coordination and responsible for the integration of "OCR" software in the research and digitisation project "Prize Papers".


since 03.2020

Research associate for metadata creation and source indexing in the "Prize Papers" research and digitisation project 


10.2019 – 03.2020

Research assistant at the Institute for History Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg


10.2016 – 09.2019

Member of the DFG Research Training Group 1608/2 ;Selbst-Bildungen. Practices of subjectification in historical and interdisciplinary perspective


  • "Konnexion durchs ganze Land" Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine im kolonialen Sozialraum Dänisch-Westindiens 1739-1765, forthcoming, 2024.
  • "Distinguishing ourselves from the other Religions" – Confessional conflicts and their influence on the early Moravian Danish West India Mission, in: Journal of Moravian History 19,2, 2018.
  • Rezension zu Otto Teigeler, Zinzendorf als Schüler in Halle 1710 – 1716. Persönliches Ergehen und Präformation eines Axioms, Verlag der Franckischen Stifungen Halle 2017, in: Journal of Moravian History 19,2, 2018.
  • Cronshagen  / Marquardt: „Betriegereyen“ und falsche Briefe. Zur Verhandlung von Solidarität in ostfriesischen Bettlerprozessen im 18. Jahrhundert, in: ArchivGeschichten. Festschrift für Gerd Steinwascher, Hg. Dagmar Freist, Stuttgart 2018.

Conference Papers (Excerpt)

Moravian Symposium “Race Slavery and Land”, Bethlehem, USA 2021


with Jessica Cronshagen: Possession Madness and Illness: A Phenomenon of describing Plantation Societies. The Moravian Mission in the in the Danish Caribbean and Suriname (ca. 1750-1795)

Göttinger Literaturherbst, Göttingen 2021

with Dagmar Freist: Das Projekt „Prize Papers” 


Moravian Conference for History and Music, Bethlehem, USA, 2021

Contraband and Privateers? Moravian networks of trust in the Caribbean colonial setting of the 18th century.

Moravian Conference for History and Music, Bethlehem, USA, 2018

„A Shortcut through the Neighbors Garden“: Responsibility and Local Decision Making in the Moravian Mission on St. Thomas. 

Pietismus Konferenz, Halle, 2018 Konfessionelle Anpassungs- und Abgrenzungsprozesse in der Herrnhuter Karibikmission des 18. Jahrhunderts. 
GSA Conference, Atlanta, USA 2017/2018 „Disntinguish Ourselves from other religions” – Confessional conflicts and their influence on religious practices in the early Moravian Danish West India Mission. 

Historische Praxeologie Konferenz – Quo Vadis? Oldenburg 2017

„A good missionary and a good Moravian“ – justifying decisions and staging success. 

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