November 2023 | Meyer Cifuentes IE, Degenhardt J, Neumann-Schaal M, Jehmlich N, Ngugi DK, Öztürk B. 2023. Comparative biodegradation analysis of three compostable polyesters by a marine microbial community. Appl Environ Microbiol 89:e01060-23. |
August 2021 | Degenhardt J, Merder J, Heyerhoff B, Simon H, Engelen B, Waska, H. Cross-Shore and DepthZonations in Bacterial Diversity Are Linked to Age and Source of Dissolved Organic Matter across the Intertidal Area of a Sandy Beach. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 1720. |
April 2021 | Degenhardt J, Khodami S, Milke F, Waska H, Engelen B, Martinez Arbizu P (2021) The Three Domains of Life Within the Discharge Area of a Shallow Subterranean Estuary at a High Energy Beach. Front. Environ. Sci. 9:642098; |
April 2021 | Ahrens J, Beck M, Böning P, Degenhardt J, Pahnke K, Schnetger B, Brumsack H-J (2021). Thallium cycling in pore waters of intertidal beach sediments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, ISSN 0016-7037, |
October 2020 | Degenhardt J, Dlugosch L, Ahrens J, Beck M, Waska H, Engelen B (2020). Seasonal Dynamics of Microbial Diversity at a Sandy High Energy Beach Reveal a Resilient Core Community. Frontiers in Marine Science 7. |
October 2019 | Seibert SL, Degenhardt J, Ahrens J, Reckhardt A, Schwalfenberg K, Waska H (2019) Investigating the Land-Sea Transition Zone. In: Jungblut S, Liebich V, Bode-Dalby M (Eds.), Youmares 9 - The Oceans: Our research, our future. Proceedings of the 2018 conference for YOUng MArine RESearcher in Oldenburg, Germany, Springer International Publishing, p. 225-242, |
April 2019 | Waska H, Greskowiak J, Ahrens J, Beck M, Ahmerkamp S, Böning P, Brumsack HJ, Degenhardt J, Ehlert C, Engelen B, Grünenbaum N, Holtappels M, Pahnke K, Marchant HK, Massmann G, Meier D, Schnetger B, Schwalfenberg K, Simon H, Vandieken V, Zielinski O, Dittmar T (2019) Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Pore Water Chemistry in the Inter-Tidal Zone of a High Energy Beach. Front Mar Sci 6:154, |
Januar 2019 | Wemheuer F, von Hoyningen-Huene AJE, Pohlner M, Degenhardt J, Engelen B, Daniel R, Wemheuer B (2019) Primary Production in the Water Column as Major Structuring Element of the Biogeographical Distribution and Function of Archaea in Deep-Sea Sediments of the Central Pacific Ocean. Archaea, vol. 2019, Article ID 3717239, |
Dezember 2017 | Pohlner M., Degenhardt J., Von Hoyningen-Hiene A. J. E., Wemheuer B., Erlmann N., Schnetger B., Badewien T. H., Engelen B. (2017) The Biogeographical Distribution of Benthic Roseobacter Group Members along a Pacific Transect Is Structured by Nutrient Availability within the Sediments and Primary Production in Different Oceanic Provinces Front. Microbiol. |