Articles in Refereed Journals
Jankowski, Michael, Christina-Marie Juen and Markus Tepe 2023. Voting Against Parties: Populist Attitudes, Party Supply, and Support for Non-Partisan Actors, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties (accepted)
Linhart, Eric, Michael Jankowski and Markus Tepe 2023. Electoral System Preferences of Citizens Compared: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, European Political Science Review (accepted)
Hemesath, Sebastian and Markus Tepe 2023. Framing the approval to test self-driving cars on public roads. The effect of safety and competitiveness on citizens’ agreement, Technology in Society 72: 102177.
Lampert, Adam, Raanan Sulitzeanu-Kenan, Pieter Vanhuysse and Markus Tepe 2022. The rich-to-poor vaccine donation game: When will self-interested countries donate their surplus vaccines during pandemics? communications medicine 2, 107.
Linhart, Eric, Michael Jankowski and Markus Tepe 2022. Keep it simple! German voters’ limited competence to evaluate electoral systems’ functions. German Politics 31(4): 579-601.
Prokop, Christine and Markus Tepe 2022. Talk or Type? The Effect of Digital Interfaces on Citizens’ Satisfaction with Standardized Public Services. Public Administration 100(2): 427-443.
Jankowski, Michael, Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe 2022. How stable are ‘left’ and ‘right’? A morphological analysis using open-ended survey responses of parliamentary candidates, Party Politics (online first, open access).
Tepe, Markus, Susumu Shikano, Michael Jankowski and Maximilian Lutz 2022. Administrative Delegation Revisited. Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Consequences of Public Service Motivation and Risk Aversion, International Review of Administrative Sciences (online first, open access).
Jankowski, Michael, Christina-Marie Juen and Markus Tepe 2022. The Impact of Anti-Establishment Parties on the Electoral Success of Independent Local Lists. Evidence from Germany. Party Politics 28(1): 127-136 (open access).
Sulitzeanu-Kenan, Raanan, Markus Tepe and Omer Yair 2022. Public sector honesty and corruption: Field evidence from 40 countries, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 32(2): 310-325 (open access).
Vanhuysse, Pieter, Michael Jankowski, and Markus Tepe 2021. Vaccine Alliance Building Blocks: A Conjoint Experiment on Popular Support for International COVID-19 Cooperation Formats. Policy Sciences 54: 493-506 (open access).
Juen, Christina-Marie, Michael Jankowski, Robert A. Huber, Torren Frank, Leena Maaß and Markus Tepe 2021. Who wants COVID-19 Vaccination to be Compulsory? The Impact of Party Cues, Left-Right Ideology and Populism, Politics (online first, open access).
Tepe, Markus, Fabian Paetzel, Jan Lorenz and Maximilian Lutz 2021. Efficiency Loss and Support for Income Redistribution. Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment. Rationality & Society 33(3): 313-340 (open access).
Harms, Philipp, Claudia Landwehr, Maximilian Lutz and Markus Tepe 2021. Deciding how to decide on public goods provision: The role of instrumental vs. intrinsic motives. Research & Politics (open access).
Juen, Christina-Marie, Michael Jankowski and Markus Tepe 2021. Abstiegserfahrungen in der Kommune und der Aufstieg Unabhängiger Wählergemeinschaften. Neue Befunde aus einem Mehrebenen-Kommunalwahlpanel. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 52 (1): 59-77. [online Appendix].
Tepe, Markus, Pieter Vanhuysse and Maximilian Lutz. 2020. Merit, Luck and Taxes. Societal Reward Rules, Self-Interest and Ideology in a Real-Effort Voting Experiment. Political Research Quarterly (online first, open access).
Jankowski, Michael, Christine Prokop and Markus Tepe 2020. Representative Bureaucracy and Public Hiring Preferences. Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment among German Municipal Civil Servants and Private Sector Employees. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 30(4): 596–618 .
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysse 2020. Taking Social Policy Personally: How Does Neuroticism Affect Welfare State Attitudes? Social Policy & Administration 54(5): 699-718.
Prokop, Christine and Markus Tepe 2020. Do future bureaucrats punish more? The Effect of PSM and studying Public Administration on Contributions and Punishment in a Public Goods Game. International Public Management Journal 23(1): 84-112.
Jankowski, Michael, Christina-Marie Juen, Florian Erlbruch und Markus Tepe 2019. NieKom. Eine neue Datenbasis für die kommunale Wahl- und Policyforschung in Niedersachsen. dms - der moderne staat 12(2): 465-471.
Jankowski, Michael, Eric Linhart and Markus Tepe 2019. Welches Wahlsystem wollen die Wähler? Evidenz von einem Conjoint-Experiment (Which electoral system do the voters want? Evidence of a conjoint experiment). Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60(2): 221–243.
Jankowski, Michael, Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe 2019. To Adapt or to Defend? Comparing Position Shifts among Bundestag Candidates between 2013 and 2017. West European Politics 42(4): 895-913.
Paetzel, Fabian, Jan Lorenz and Tepe Markus. 2018. Transparency diminishes framing-effects in voting on redistribution: Some experimental evidence. European Journal of Political Economy 55: 169-184.
Tepe, Markus and Christine Prokop 2018. Are future bureaucrats more risk averse? The effect of studying public administration and PSM on risk preferences. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 28(2): 182-196.
Herrmann, Michael and Markus Tepe 2017. Does exposure to stereotype disconfirming politicians reduce the effect of stereotypes on voting? Evidence from seven plagiarism scandals in Germany. Political Psychology 39(2): 303-324 .
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysse 2017. Are Future Bureaucrats More Prosocial? Public Administration 95(4): 957-975.
Lorenz, Jan, Fabian Paetzel and Tepe Markus. 2017. Just don't call it tax! Framing in an experiment on voting and redistribution. Journal of Experimental Political Science 4(3): 183-194.
Stoffel, Michael, Susumu Shikano and Markus Tepe 2017. Information Accuracy in Legislative Oversight: Theoretical Implications and Experimental Evidence. Rationality and Society 29(2): 226-254 .
Jankowski, Michael, Schneider, Sebastian and Tepe, Markus. 2017. Ideological Alternative? Analyzing AfD Candidates’ Ideal Points via Blackbox Scaling. Party Politics 23(6): 704-716 .
Tepe, Markus. 2016. In public servants we trust? A behavioral experiment on public service motivation and trust among students of public administration, business sciences and law. Public Management Review 18(4): 508-538.
Linhart, Eric and Markus Tepe. 2015. Rationales Wählen in Mehrparteiensystemen mit Koalitionsregierungen. Eine laborexperimentelle Untersuchung. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 56(1): 44-76.
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysse. 2014. A Vote at the Opera? The Political Economy of Public Theatres and Orchestras in the German States. European Journal of Political Economy 36: 254–273.
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysse. 2013. Parties, Unions, and Activation Strategies: The Context-Dependent Politics of Active Labor Market Policy Spending. Political Studies 61(3): 480-504.
Tepe, Markus and Christine Prokop. 2013. Sicher ist sicher? Ein laborexperimenteller Vergleich der Risikopräferenzen von Studierenden der öffentlichen Verwaltung mit Studierenden der Wirtschafts- und der Rechtswissenschaften (Safe is safe? A behavioral experiment on risk attitudes and risk behavior among students of public administration, business science and law). Verwaltung und Management 19(6): 302-312 (without peer-review).
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysse. 2013. Cops for Hire? The Political Economy of Police Employment in the German States. Journal of Public Policy 33(2): 165-199.
Goerres, Achim and Markus Tepe. 2013. Für die Kleinen ist uns nichts zu teuer? Kindergartengebühren und ihre Determinanten in Deutschlands 95 bevölkerungsreichsten Städten zwischen 2007 und 2010 (Nothing too expensive for the kids? Kindergarten fees and their determinants in Germany's 95 most populous cities between 2007 and 2010). dms - der moderne staat 6(1): 169-190.
Goerres, Achim and Markus Tepe. 2012. Doing it for the Kids? The Determinants of Attitudes towards Public Childcare in Unified Germany. Journal of Social Policy 41(2): 349-372.
Marcinkiewicz, Kamil and Markus Tepe. 2012. Positionen, Fraktionen und Mandate. Eine Anwendung der quantitativen Textanalyse auf die Kurzbiographien der Abgeordneten des 17. Deutschen Bundestages (Positions, Factions and Mandats. Applying Quantitative Text Analysis to Self-Reported Biographical Notes from the Members of the 17th German Bundestag). MDA – Methoden, Daten, Analysen 6(2): 99-132.
Streb, Sebastian and Markus Tepe. 2012. Outsourcing legislative responsibility? An explorative study on purchasing legal advice in the German law drafting process. German Policy Studies 8(1): 3-42.
Marcinkiewicz, Kamil and Markus Tepe. 2012. Politische Positionen in Abgeordnetenbiographien. Eine quantitative Textanalse der Kurzbiographien aus Kürschners Volkshandbuch für den 8. und 17. Deutschen Bundestag (Policy positions in Mps' biographies. A qunatitative text analysis of Mps' short biographies). ZPB -Zeitschrift für Politikberatung, Policy Advice and Political Consulting 5(2): 51-63.
Tepe, Markus. 2012. The Public/Private Sector Cleavage Revisited. The impact of government employment on political attitudes and behavior in eleven West European countries.Public Administration 90(1): 230-261.
Schneider, Sebastian and Markus Tepe. 2011. Dr. Right and Dr. Wrong: Zum Einfluss des Doktortitels auf den Wahlerfolg von Direktkandidaten bei der Bundestagswahl 2009 (Dr. Right and Dr. Wrong: The Impact of a PhD Titel on the Electoral Success of Direct Candidates in the German Federal Election 2009). Politische Vierteljahresschriften 52(2): 248-285.
Tepe, Markus, Bernhard Kittel and Kathrin Gottschall. 2010. A Structural Fit between States and Markets? Public Administration Regimes and Market Economy Models in the OECD. Socio-Economic Review 8(4): 653-684.
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysse. 2010. Who Cuts Back and When? The Politics of Delays in Social Expenditure Cutbacks, 1980-2005. West European Politics 33(6): 1214-1240.
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysse. 2010. Elderly Bias, New Social Risks, and Social Spending: Investigating Change and Timing in Eight Programs Across Four Worlds of Welfare, 1980-2003. Journal of European Social Policy 20(3): 217-234.
Goerres, Achim and Markus Tepe. 2010. Age-based Self-Interest, Intergenerational Solidarity and the Welfare State. A comparative analysis of older people's attitudes towards public childcare in 12 OECD countries. European Journal of Political Research 49(6): 818-851.
Tepe, Markus and Daniela Kroos. 2010. Lukrativer Staatsdienst? Lohndifferenzen zwischen öffentlichem Dienst und Privatwirtschaft (Wage differential between public and private sector employees. An empirical analysis using the GSOEP). WSI Mitteilungen 1/2010.
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysse. 2009. Are Aging OECD Welfare States on the Path to the Politics of Gerontocracy? Evidence from 18 Democracies, 1980 – 2002. Journal of Public Policy 29(1): 1-28.
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysse. 2009. Educational Business Cycles. The Political Economy of Teacher Hiring across German States, 1992-2004. Public Choice 139: 61-82.
Lamping, Wolfram and Markus Tepe. 2009. Vom Können und Wollen der privaten Altersvorsorge. Eine empirische Analyse zur Inanspruchnahme der Riester-Rente auf Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (On the ability and willingness to use private pension plans. An empirical analysis of Riester-Pension-Plan take up using the GSOEP). Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 55(4): 409-430.
Tepe, Markus and Sebastian Schneider. 2009. Zur Reputations- und Performanzmessung politikwissenschaftlicher Institute in Deutschland (On measuring the reputation and performance of political science departments in Germany). Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 19(4): 581-608.
Kittel, Bernhard, Markus Tepe and Karin Gottschall. 2008. Marktwirtschaftsmodelle und öffentliche Beschäftigungsregimes in der OECD (Market Economy Models and Public Employment Regimes in the OECD). dms - der moderne staat 1(2): 377-397.
Contributions to Edited Volumes
Jankowski, Michael and Markus Tepe (2022). Experimentelle Methoden. In Georg Wenzelburger and Reimut Zohlnhöfer (Eds.) Handbuch für Policy-Forschung (2nd Edition), Wiesbaden: Springer VS (forthcoming).
Gottschall, Karin and Markus Tepe (2022). The welfare state as employer. In Daniel Béland, Stephan Liebfried, Kimberly J. Morgan, Herbert Obinger and Christopher Pierson (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State (2nd Ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press pp. 473-491.
Lutz, Maximilian, Susumu Shikano and Markus Tepe. (2022). Repeated Response versus Strategy Method. Experimental Evidence from an Oversight Game, Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie 12. Wiesbaden: Springer VS [online Appendix].
Nullmeier, Frank, Tanja Pritzlaff, Kai Uwe Schnapp and Tepe, Markus (2020). Collective Decisions on Need-based Distribution: A Political Science Perspective. In Bernhard Kittel und Stefan Traub (eds.) Need-based
Distributional Justice: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Heidelberg: Springer VS pp. 133-159.
Jankowski, Michael, Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe (2019). "...Deutschland eben." Eine Analyse zur Interpretation des Begriffs "rechts" durch Bundestagskandidaten auf Grundlage von Structural Topic
Models. In Markus Steinbrecher, Evelyn Bytzek und Ulrich Rosar (Eds.) Identität, Identifikation, Ideologie. Analysen zu politischen Einstellungen und politischem Verhalten in Deutschland. Heidelberg: Springer VS pp. 141-179.
Jankowski, Michael and Markus Tepe. (2017). Social Heterogeneity and Choice Failure under Condorcet and Borda, Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie 10. Wiesbaden: Springer VS pp. 143-166.
Shikano, Susumu, Michael Stoffel and Markus Tepe. (2017). Legislative oversight of the bureaucracy: Insights from formal modeling and experimental testing. In: Oliver James, Sebastian Jilke and Gregg Van Ryzin (eds.), Experiments in Public Management Research: Challenges and Contributions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 394-414.
Tepe, Markus and Christine Prokop. (2017). Laboratory experiments: Their potential for public management research. In: Oliver James, Sebastian Jilke and Gregg Van Ryzin (eds.), Experiments in Public Management Research: Challenges and Contributions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 139-164.
Schneider, Sebastian and Markus Tepe. 2015. Bundestagskandidaten und ihre Einstellung zur Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise. In: Heiko Giebler and Aiko Wagner (eds.), Wirtschaft, Krise und Wahlverhalten. Baden-Baden: NOMOS pp. 267-300.
Tepe, Markus, Bernhard Kittel and Karin Gottschall. 2015. The Competing State: Transformation of the Public/Private Sector Earnings Gap in Four Countries. In: Steffen Schneider und Heinz Rothgang (eds.), Transformations in OECD Countries. Dimensions, Driving Forces, and Trajectories. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan pp. 41-65.
Brachem, Julia-Carolin and Markus Tepe. 2015. Shared Values for a European Administrative Identity? A cross-national analysis of government employees´ Basic Human Values. In: Fritz Sager und Patrick Overseem (eds.), The European Public Servant. A shared administrative Identity? London: Routledge, ECPR Press, pp. 245-272.
Tepe, Markus and Pieter Vanhuysee. 2012. Accelerating Smaller Cutbacks to Delay Larger Ones? The Politics of Timing and Alarm Bells in OECD Pension Generosity Retrenchment. In: Pieter Vanhuysse und Achim Goerres (eds.), Ageing Populations in Post-industrial Democracies: Comparative Studies of Politics and Policies. London: Routledge (ECPR studies in European Political Science), pp. 127-144.
Goerres, Achim and Markus Tepe. 2012. The Family and the Welfare State: The Impact of Public Provision for Families on Young People's Demand for Public Childcare Across 21 Nations. In: Pieter Vanhuysee und Achim Goerres (eds.), Ageing Populations in Post-industrial Democracies: Comparative Studies of Politcs and Policies. London: Routledge (ECPR studies in European Political Science), pp. 178-205.
Tepe, Markus. 2007. Die Pfadabhängikeitsthese in der vergleichenden Wohlfahrtsstaatenforschung. Eine explorative Clusteranalyse. In: Dieter Wagner, Christoph Lattemann, Sören Kupke und Alexander Legel (eds.), Governance-Theorien oder Governance als Theorie? Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, pp. 165-181.
Sauermann, Jan, Markus Tepe and Marc Debus 2022. Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie.
Band 12: Heidelberg: Springer.
Debus, Marc, Jan Sauermann and Markus Tepe 2019. Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie.
Band 11: Heidelberg: Springer.
Gottschall, Karin, Bernhard Kittel, Kendra Briken, Jan-Ocko Heuer, Sylvia Hils, Sebastian Streb and Markus Tepe. 2015. The State as Employer. Transformations of Public Sector Employment Regimes. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan
Tepe, Markus. 2008. Regimes, institutions and temporality in the political economy of welfare reform. Freie Universität Berlin (Dissertation).
Book Reviews
Tepe, Markus (2021). Vigoda-Gadot, Eran, & Vashdi, R. Dana. (2020) Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration, Management and Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. dms - der moderne staat 2-2021: 508-511.