
Ricarda Schmidt-Scheele

CvO-Universität Oldenburg 
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften 
26111 Oldenburg

A6 4-412




2024: Jannika Mattes und Ricarda Schmidt-Scheele ‚Interdependence between energy transitions and digital technologies: Socio-technical-ecological configurations of intelligent bird detection technologies’ International Sustainability Transitions Conference in Oslo, 16.-20.06.2024.

2022: 38th EGOS Colloquium 'Organizing: The Beauty of Imperfection', Sub-theme 23 'Digital Technology, Societal Change and Shifts in Institutional Logics'. WU Vienna, 07.-09.07.2022: Heterogeneous cooperation in smart grid projects: Bridging institutional logics via digital standards? (mit S. Paustian und J. Mattes).

2022: 6th Geography of Innovation Conference (GeoInno2022). Mailand, Italien. 04.-06.07.2022: The embeddedness of companies in regional energy transitions (mit S. Rohe und J.Mattes). 

2022: Tagung des DGS-Arbeitskreises „Soziologie der Nachhaltigkeit“: Kann eine digitale Gesellschaft nachhaltig sein? Soziologische Perspektiven auf die Wechselwirkungen von gesellschaftlicher Transformation, Technik und Natur. Universität Passau. 23.-24.06.2022: 'Heterogeneous cooperation in smart grid projects: Bridging institutional logics via digital standards?' (mit S. Paustian und J. Mattes).

2021: 5Th Energy and Society Conference, Energy & Society Network and European Sociological Association, Trento, 10-12 Feb 2021: Adding the Social Perspective to Life cycle analysis (LCA) of Energy Transition Scenarios (mit O. Scheel und W. Hauser)

2021: 5Th Energy and Society Conference, Energy & Society Network and European Sociological Association, Trento, 10-12 Feb 2021; workshop organization: Tailored participation of different target groups in inter and transdisciplinary research projects (mit S. Wist und R. Kuhn).

2019: Demokratische Wissenschafts- und Technikgestaltung heute, Tagung, Stuttgart, 28-29 Nov 2019: „Plausible“ Szenarien als (un)verzichtbare Instrumente zur Gestaltung von gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen?.

2019: Scenarios and the Politics of the Future, Konferenz des Cluster of Excellence CLICCS, Hamburg, 14-15 Nov 2019: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Concept of Scenario Plausibility: Enhancing Conversations about the Scenario Users Perspectives.

2019: Regionalkonferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Jena, 23-27 Sept 2019: Sustainable Energy Transitions: Understanding and integrating social sustainability indicators in energy systems modelling (mit O. Scheel).

2019: Major Projects Leadership Academy, Said Business School, Universität Oxford, Michaelmas Term 9. Dez 2019, Scenario Planning in Organisations.

2018: Energy Scenarios Conference, Helmholtz Energy Scenario School, KIT Karlsruhe, 24-25 Sept 2018: Applause for Scenarios?! Enhancing scholarly conversations about scenario plausibility and user perspectives.

2018: ENSYSRTA Summer School “Modelling Energy Systems – Setting the Interdisciplinary Stage”, Universität Flensburg, Sept 2018, Scenario Analysis and Methods.

2018: European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Universität Hamburg, 22-25 Aug 2018: Social sustainability in models of energy transition pathways: Concepts and methodological opportunities (mit O. Scheel).

2018: European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) General Conference, Lancaster, 24-28 Jul 2018: Politicizing Energy Futures in conflicting visions (mit Prof. Dr. C. Kropp).

2018: Energy and Climate Change Futures Workshop, Memorial University, St. John’s, 10-11 Okt 2018: Re-imagining (im)plausible Energy Futures.

2018: Ministerium für Umwelt, Klimaschutz und Energie Baden-Württemberg, Stakeholder Dialog, Stuttgart, 28 Feb 2018: Gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz von Energieszenarien im Rahmen des Projekts „Energiesystemanalyse Baden-Württemberg“.

2017: 18th International Futures Conference, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, 12-13 Jun 2017: Strangers in the night? Analysing the developer − User nexus in scenario practice through concepts of plausibility.

2017: Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Workshop „Szenarien für das Energiesystem der Zukunft“, Delmenhorst, 5-6 Sept 2017: Integration sozio-technischer Aspekte in Energieszenarien: Akzeptanz von Energiezukünften.

2016: Society for Risk Analysis, Annual Meeting, San Diego, 11-15 Dez 2016: Wolf in sheep’s clothing? A conceptual and empirical reconsideration of the value of ‘plausibility’ as assessment criterion in scenario planning.

2016: Occasional Speaker Series, Arizona State University, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Tempe, 6 Dez 2016: Along the Life Path of Energy Scenarios: Understanding the Trajectories of Plausibility in Scenario Work.

2015: SCENARIO 2015 Improving Scenario Methodology: Theory and Practice, Warwick Business School, Warwick, 14-15 Dez 2015: Rethinking plausibility: Empirically analysing plausibility assessments of different qualitative scenario formats.

2015: Helmholtz Research School on Energy Scenarios, KIT Karlsruhe, Sept 2015, Scenario development using Cross-Impact Balance Analysis.

2014: Konferenz für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik KyWi 2014, Stuttgart, 10-11 Jul 2014: Kontextszenarien als Ergänzung modellgestützter Szenarioanalysen.

2014: 1st International Symposium on Energy Challenges & Mechanics, Aberdeen, 8-10 Jul 2014: Applying Cross-Impact Balance Method to enhance strategic reflection in science and politics. The case of heat consumption in Germany (mit S. Prehofer und W. Weimer-Jehle).

2014: Society for Risk Analysis, Annual Meeting, Denver, 7-11 Dez 2014: How social systems analysis can add to the policy-relevance of energy systems simulations (Poster Präsentation).

2014: 5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA), Brüssel, 27-28 Nov 2014: Energy Futures: A systematic approach to developing qualitative societal scenarios and informing energy modeling (Poster Präsentation mit H. Kosow, S. Prehofer, W. Hauser, W. Weimer-Jehle).

(Stand: 03.07.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p86001
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