Please also see my personal webpage:
- Empirische Kommunalpolitikforschung.
Forthcoming. SpringerVS (with Martin Gross and Dominic Nyhuis).
Journal Articles
- When Correlation Is Not Enough: Validating Populism Scores from Supervised Machine-Learning Models.
Conditionally Accepted. Political Analysis (with Robert A. Huber). - Explaining Populist Attitudes: The Impact of Issue Specific Discontent and Representation.
Accepted. Politische Vierteljahresschrift (with Robert A. Huber and Carsten Wegscheider). - Die Positionen der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2021: Ergebnisse des Open Expert Surveys.
Forthcoming. Politische Vierteljahresschrift (with Anna-Sophie Kurella, Christian Stecker, et al.). - Limits to Bureaucratic Oversight? Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Consequences of Risk Aversion and PSM.
Forthcoming. International Review of Administrative Sciences (with Maximilian Lutz, Susumu Shikano and Markus Tepe). - How stable are ‘left’ and ‘right’? A morphological analysis using open-ended survey responses of parliamentary candidates.
Forthcoming. Party Politics (with Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe). - Local preferences in candidate selection. Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment among party leaders in Germany.
Forthcoming. Party Politics (with Jan Berz). - Parteiendifferenz in der Wald- und Forstpolitik. Eine Analyse der deutschen Bundesländer.
Forthcoming. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (with Ulrich Hartung and Jochen Müller). - Who wants COVID-19 Vaccination to be Compulsory? The Impact of Party Cues, Left-Right Ideology and Populism.
Online First. Politics (with Christina-Marie Juen, Robert A. Huber, Markus Tepe, Torren Frank and Leena Maaß) [open access]. - Vaccine Alliance Building Blocks: A Conjoint Experiment on Popular Support for International COVID-19 Cooperation Formats.
Online First. Policy Sciences (with Pieter Vanhuysse and Markus Tepe) [open access]. - Ballot Position Effects in Open-List PR Systems: The Moderating Effect of Postal Voting.
Online First. Acta Politica (with Torren Frank) [open access]. - The Impact of Anti-Establishment Parties on the Electoral Success of Independent Local Lists: Evidence from Germany.
Online First. Party Politics (with Christina-Marie Juen and Markus Tepe) [open access]. - Keep it simple! German voters’ limited competence to evaluate electoral systems’ functions.
Online First. German Politics (with Eric Linhart and Markus Tepe). - Stimmzettel nutzerfreundlicher gestalten: Empfehlungen auf Grundlage eines Survey-Experiments.
2021. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 62 (1), 93-119 (with Dominic Nyhuis, Felix Münchow, Morten Harmening, Jannik Bruns, Max Holly, Josip Karacic and Christoph Hönnige) [open access]. - The Incumbency Advantage in Second-Order PR Elections: Evidence from the Irish Context, 1942-2019.
2021. Electoral Studies 71 (3). (with Stefan Müller). - Abstiegserfahrungen in der Kommune und der Aufstieg Unabhängiger Wähler-gemeinschaften. Neue Befunde aus einem Mehrebenen-Kommunalwahlpanel.
2021. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 52 (1), 59-77 (with Christina-Marie Juen and Markus Tepe). - Model Dependency in the Analysis of Women’s Electoral Success.
2021. Politics and Gender 17 (2), 349-363 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz). - Representative Bureaucracy and Public Hiring Preferences. Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment among German Municipal Civil Servants and Private Sector Employees.
2020. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 30 (4), 596-618 (with Christine Prokop and Markus Tepe). - Conflict Dimensions and Party Positions in Multi-Level Democracies: Evidence from the Local Manifesto Project.
2020. West European Politics 43 (1), 74-101 (with Martin Gross). - NieKom. Eine neue Datenbasis für die kommunale Wahl- und Policyforschung in Niedersachsen.
2019. dms – der moderne staat 12 (2), 465-471 (with Christina-Marie Juen, Florian Erlbruch, and Markus Tepe) [open access]. - Welches Wahlsystem wollen die Wähler? Evidenz von einem Conjoint-Experiment.
2019. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60 (2), 221-243 (with Eric Linhart and Markus Tepe). - The Effect of Electing Women on Future Female Candidate Nomination Patterns. Findings from a Regression Discontinuity Design.
2019. Politics and Gender 15 (2), 182-210 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz and Anna Gwiazda). - To Adapt or to Defend? Comparing Position Shifts among Bundestag Candidates between 2013 and 2017.
2019. West European Politics 42 (4), 895-913 (with Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe). - Do voters really prefer more choice? Determinants of Support for Personalised Electoral Systems.
2019. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 29 (2), 262-281 (with Stefan Müller). - Ineffective and Counterproductive? Evaluating the Impact of Gender Quotas in Open-List PR Systems.
2019. Politics and Gender 15 (1), 1-33 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz). - Politikpositionen von Regierungen im Ländervergleich. Heterogenität am Beispiel der Agrarpolitik.
2018. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 12 (4): 683-702 (with Stefan Ewert and Jochen Müller). - Die AfD im achten Europäischen Parlament: Eine Analyse der Positionsverschiebung basierend auf namentlichen Abstimmungen von 2014-2016.
2018. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 12 (3): 567-589 (with Marcel Lewandowsky). - One Voice or Different Choice? Vote Defection of EU Member States in the United Nations General Assembly.
2018. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20 (3), 652-673 (with Nicolas Burmester). - Are populist parties fostering women’s political representation in Poland? A comment on Kostadinova & Mikulska.
2018. Party Politics 24 (2), 185-196 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz). - Ideological Alternative? Analyzing AfD Candidates’ Ideal Points via Blackbox Scaling.
2017. Party Politics 23 (6), 704-716 (with Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe). - The Effects of Electoral Rules on Parliamentary Behavior: A Comparative Analysis of Poland and the Czech Republic.
2016. East European Politics and Societies 30 (4), 885-906 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz and Mary Stegmaier). - Voting for Locals: Voters’ Information Processing Strategies in Open-List PR Systems.
2016. Electoral Studies 43 (3), 72-84. - “All by myself” oder “With a little help from my friends”? Die Integration der Bundespartei in die Wahlkampforganisation auf Landesebene.
2014. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 24 (4), 427-447. (with Marcel Lewandowsky). - Reassessing the European Union in the United Nations General Assembly.
2014. Journal of European Public Policy 21 (10), 1491-1508 (with Nicolas Burmester). - When there’s no Easy Way out: Electoral Law Reform and Ballot Position Effects in the 2011 Hamburg State Elections.
2014. German Politics 23 (1-2), 103-117 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz). - The Unsolved Puzzle: Pacific Asia’s Voting Cohesion in the United Nations General Assembly – A Response to Peter Ferdinand.
2013. The British Journal of Politics & International Relations 16 (4), 680-689 (with Nicolas Burmester). - The agony of choice? On voter turnout and the new electoral law in the city-state of Hamburg.
2013. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 44 (2), 264-275 (with Cord Jakobeit, Philipp Hiller und Nils Thomsen).
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- Speechmaking under Preferential-List PR: The Case of Poland.
Forthcoming. In: Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus and Jorge Fernandes (Eds.): The Politics of Legislative Debate, Oxford University Press (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz). - O partido de direita radical “Alternativa para a Alemanha” (AfD) nas eleições municipais: desempenho eleitoral, temas enfatizados e tomada de posição
Forthcoming. In: Antonio Lavareda and Helcimara Telles (Eds.): Eleições municipais brasileiras e internacionais, Editora FGV (with Martin Gross). - Lokale Wahlprogramme. Ein blinder Fleck der deutschen Kommunalpolitikforschung?
2020. In: Björn Egner und Detlef Sack (Eds.). Neue Koalitionen – alte Probleme. Lokale Entscheidungsprozesse im Wandel, SpringerVS, 101-126 (with Martin Gross). - Die politische Landschaft zur Bundestagswahl 2017. Befunde aus zwei Voting Advice Applications und dem Chapel Hill Expert Survey.
2019. In: Karl-Rudolf Korte and Jan Schoofs (Eds.). Die Bundestagswahl 2017. Analysen der Wahl-, Parteien-, Kommunikations- und Regierungsforschung, SpringerVS, 267-291 (with Jan Philipp Thomeczek and Andre Krouwel). - “…Deutschland eben.” Eine Analyse zur Interpretation des Begriffs ‘rechts’ durch Bundestagskandidaten auf Grundlage von Structural Topic Models.
2019. In: Markus Steinbrecher, Evelyn Bytzek, and Ulrich Rosar (Eds.). Identität – Identifikation – Ideologie, SpringerVS, 141-179 (with Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe). - Varieties of Legislative Voting Patterns. The Impact of Majority, Minority, and Caretaker Governments.
2019. Jahrbuch Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie – Band 11, SpringerVS, 33-61 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz). - Social Heterogeneity and Choice Failure under Condorcet and Borda.
2017. Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie – Band 10, SpringerVS, 143-166 (with Markus Tepe). - Die Bundestagswahl 2013 im historischen Vergleich.
2015. In: Oliver Strijbis and Kai-Uwe Schnapp (Eds.). Aktivierung und Überzeugung im Bundestagswahlkampf 2013, SpringerVS, 55-78 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz).