Shu-Chiu Liu

Shu-Chiu Liu

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  Dr. Shu-Chiu Liu
   Shu-Chiu Liu

Dr. Shu-Chiu Liu is a former PhD student in the physics education group ( of the programme and obtained her doctoral degree in 2004. The title of her phD thesis is "The alternative models of the universe: A cross-cultural study on students´ and historical ideas about the heavens and the earth with a view towards reshaping science instruction."
Currently she works as a post-doc fellow for DFG (German Research Foundation) and carries on participating in the programme.

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät 5 - Institut für Physik
Postfach 5634
D-26046 Oldenburg
Telefon: +49 441 798 3775

  Her PhD thesis is publicised in the series "Beiträge zur Didaktischen Rekonstruktion" as Volume 8.


Model-based learning and science instruction: Establishing science instructional approaches using scientific, pre-scientific and students´ alternative models

Research interests:

Students´ alternative conceptions in various scientific topics
Historical development of scientific ideas
History and philosophy of science in school science teaching
Model-based teaching and learning
The intercultural perspective of conceptual research



Liu, S.-C. (2005). The alternative models of the universe: A cross-cultural study on students’ and historical ideas about the heavens and the earth with a view towards reshaping science instruction. Beitraege zur Didaktischen Rekonstruktion, Bd. 8. Didaktisches Zentrum Oldenburg (Germany). 218 pp. ISSN: 1617-3139. ISBN: 3-8142-0954-0.

Articles in journals/contributions to books

Liu, S.-C. (2005). From geocentric to heliocentric model of the universe, and the alternative perspectives. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 6(2), Article 1, available from the website:

Liu, S.-C. (2005). Models of “the heavens and the earth”: An investigation of German and Taiwanese students´ alternative conceptions of the universe. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(2), 295-325.

Liu, S.-C. (2004). Alternative Modelle des Universums. Einblicke, Herbst Ausgabe, 24-27.

Liu, S.-C. (2006). Learning from the history: A lesson on the model of the earth. Science Education Review, 5(1), 6-13.

Liu, S.-C. (in review). Historical models and science instruction: A cross-cultural analysis based on students’ view. Research in Science Education.

Conference Papers

Liu, S.-C. (2003). In thinking of Heaven and Earth- A cross-cultural study on students´ and early scientists´ ideas. In A. Pitton (Hg.): Außerschulisches Lernen in Physik und Chemie. Jahrestagung der GDCP in Flensburg 2002. Lit Verlag, 287-289.


11. 01. 2002 Eröffnungsvorstellung der ProDid.Vortrag zum Thema "Students´ Conceptual Chang in and the Historical Development of Astronomy" 
22. 05. 2002 Kolloquium der Arbeitsgruppe für Higher Education and the History of Science. Vortrag zum Thema "Students´ and Early Scientists´ Conceptual Development in the Domain of Astronomy"
26. - 29. 06 .2002 Earli "Conceptual Change" Tagung in Turku, Finnland.
21. - 23. 08. 2002 3. ProDid Workshop. Vortrag zum Thema "In thinking of the Earth- A Cross-cultural Study on Students´ and Early Scientists´ Ideas" 
23. - 26. 09. 2002 Jahrestagung der GDCP.Vortrag zum Thema "In thinking of the Heavens and the Earth- A Cross-cultural Study on Students´ and Early Scientists´ Ideas" 
25. - 27. 10. 2002 Doktoranderkolloquium der GDCP in Travemünde.Vortrag zum Thema "In thinking of the Heavens and the Earth- A Cross-cultural Study on Students´ and Early Scientists´ Ideas"

Zur Person

Persönliche Angaben
Geburtsdatum: 03.03.1972
Geburtsort: Taipei County, Taiwan
Familienstand: Single

1978 – 1990 Taipei First Girls’ Senior High School

1990 – 1994 Taiwan Central University (BSc in Earth Science)
1997 – 1998 University of York in England (MA in Educational Studies)
2001 - now University of Oldenburg in Germany (PhD in Physics Education)

1994 – 1997 Science Teacher (Physics, Chemistry and Earth Science), at Junior High School in Taiwan
1998 – 1999 General Science Book Editor
1999 – 2000 Assistant Researcher at Center for Educational Research in Taiwan Normal University

Wissenschaftliche Projekte
1999-2000 2 Successive Governmental Projects: "Establishment of Assessment Scheme on Comprehensive Schools" and "Assessment on Comprehensive Schools in the Year of 2000"

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