

Name Location Dates Talk
Prof. Dr. Markus Porto Technical University Darmstadt 19.-20.7.07 Proteins: Structure, function, and evolution
Prof. Dr. Konstantin Nefedev Far Eastern National University, Vladivostok 19.10-15.12.07 Ab Initio Density Functional Calculations of Magnetic Superstructures
Prof. Dr. K.D. Usadel University Duisburg-Essen 12.-13.11.07 Exchange bias and coercivity of ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic multilayers
Dr. Frauke Liers University of Cologne 10.-13.12.07 Studying spin glasses via combinatorial optimization
Prof. Dr. Holger Kantz Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems 17.-18.12.07 Vorhersagemethoden für extreme Ereignisse
Prof. Dr. Helmut Katzgraber ETH Zürich (Switzerland) 23.-25.1.08 Chaos and universality in spin glasses
Dr. Valery Van Kerrebroeck Universita di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Italy) 6.3.08 Cycles in random graphs
Dr. Stephan Mertens Universität Magdeburg 14.4.08 Algorithmen, Komplexität und Physik
Prof. Dr. Paolo Sibani University of Southern Denmark (Odense) 29.4.08 Numerical experiments on intermittent linear response and spontaneous fluctuations in off-equilibrium aging dynamics
Prof. Dr. Gerard Barkema University of Utrecht 8.5.08 Simulation of Polymer Translocation
Dr. Martin Weigel Universität Mainz 18-19.6.08

Dynamical triangulations (and quadrangulations) in statistical physics

Dr. Nurgül Seferoglu Gazi University, Ankara (Turkey) 23.6.08 Phase transitions of Blume-Emery-Griffiths Model on a Cellular Automata
Prof. Dr. D.W. Heermann Universität Heidelberg 26-27.7.08 Physics of Life: Theory and Simulation of the Structure of Chromatin
Dr. Heiko Bauke Max-Planck-Institut for Nuclear Physics 1.7.08 Passing messages to lonely numbers
Dr. Ian Campbell Universite Montpellier II (France) 3-5.7.08 From Ohm's Law to the Nobel Prize historical perspectives and historic discoveries
Prof. Dr. Pekka Orponen Helsinki University of Technology 9-16.7.08 Phase Transitions and Local Search for k-Satisfiability
Petri Savola Helsinki University of Technology 9-30.7.08 Unbiased generation of metastable states for Ising spin glasses
Prof. Dr. Stefan Boettcher Emory University, Atlanta 9-10.10.08 Simulations of Low-Energy Conformations in Spin Glasses with the Extremal Optimization heuristic
Prof. Dr. Peter Nielaba Universität Konstanz 3-4.11.08 Phasenübergänge und Quanteneffekte in Modell-Kolloiden und Nanostrukturen (part 1, part 2)
Prof. Dr. Ludger Santen Universität des Saarlandes 8.1.09 Cluster-Monte Carlo-Algorithmen für off-lattice Systeme
Prof. Dr. A. Nihat Berker Sabanci University 5.2.09 New Phase Transition Phenomena in Systems with Frozen Disorder
Prof. Dr. Hans Ekkehard Plesser Norwegian University of Life Sciences 6.4.09 Simulating Neuronal Networks with PyNEST
PD Dr. Thomas Franosch LMU München 16.4.09 Transport in heterogeneous media: diffusion, fractals and anomalous dynamics
Prof. Dr. Ralf Klessen Universität Heidelberg 22.6.09 Die turbulente Geburt der Sterne
Dr. Alfred Hucht Universität Duisburg-Essen 25.6.09 Magnetic Friction in Ising Systems
Prof. Marc Mézard Universite Paris Sud 1.7-21.12.09 Can nature solve hard problems?
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Stauffer Universität zu Köln 19.11.09 Will modern medicine kill us?
Prof. Dr. Kurt Binder Universität Mainz 7.12.09 Birth of new phases: statistical mechanics of nucleation
Dr. Stefan Wolfsheimer Universite Paris Descartes 14-18.12.09 Distribution of General Patterns in Pair Hidden Markov Models
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer Universität Münster 17.12.09 Energy landscapes, traps, and the glass transition
Jörg Kachelmann, Dr. Martin Fengler Meteomedia AG 25.1.10 Wie entsteht eine gute Wettervorhersage
Mauro Cirio Universita di Torino 1.2.10 Statistical Mechanics of the inverse Ising model
Volker Hähnke ETH Zürich 20-21.5.10 PhAST - Pharmacophore Alignment Search
Prof. Dr. Stefan Boettcher Emory University, Atlanta 12.5-22.6.10 Extreme Fluctuations and finite-size corrections in spin glasses and other combinatorial problems
Prof. Dr. Heiko Rieger Universität des Saarlandes 17.6.2010 Geometry of domain walls in disordered 2d systems
Prof. Dr. May-Britt Kallenrode Universität Osnabrück 22.11.2010 Solare Energiereiche Teilchen in der Atmosphäre - ein Mittler zwischen Solar-Terrestrischen Beziehungen?
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kinzel Universität Würzburg 25.11.2010 Chaos Synchronization
Prof. Dr. Uli Nowak Universität Konstanz 25-26.1.2011 Spin Dynamics at Finite Temperature
Dr. Werner Krauth Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris 18-19.5.2011 The Melting Transition of Hard Disks
Prof. Dr. Marc-Thorsten Hütt Jacobs Universität Bremen 3.11.2011

How few elements can systematically shape large-scale patterns

Prof. Dr. Tim Salditt Universität Göttingen 7.11.2011

X-Ray imaging with nanoscale beams

Prof. Dr. Hans Herrmann ETH Zürich 12.12.2011 Die wunderbare Welt der Dünen
Prof. Dr. David Sherrington University of Oxford 14-16.12.2011 Physics and Complexity
Maryam Ghahremany Imam Khomeini International University 2.2.-29.3.2012 Discussing magnetization of a disordered spin lattice
Tudor Mitran University of Bucharest 1.3.-31.10.2012 Ab initio study of Mn doped BN nanosheets
Megha Khosla MPI Computer Science Saarbrücken 22.4-27.4.2012 The Multiple-orientability Thresholds for Random Hypergraphs
Jinghua Shi Shangdon University/ National University of Singapore 27.4.2012

Two Pieces of the Simulation Work

Prof. Dr. Oliver  Kramer Universität Oldenburg 4.5.2012 Unsupervised neighbors: an efficient procedure for dimension reduction
Prof. Dr. Peter Grassberger Forschungszentrum Jülich 30.-31.5.2012 The many faces of percolation
Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe Universität Münster 6.6.2012 Fluctuations in spin glasses
Prof. Dr. Frank den Hollander Universiteit Leiden 20-21.6.2012 Random walks in dynamic random environments
Prof. Dr. Reiner Kree Universität Göttingen 9.7.2012 Filigree with a sledge hammer
Prof. Dr. A. Peter Young University of California Santa Curz 10.9-16.11.2012 Mind the gap; solving optimization problems on a quantum computer
Dr. Florent Krzakala Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles 8.11.2012 A statistical physics approach to compressed sensing
Yingying Xu ETH Zürich 6.-7.12.2012 A message-passing approach to 1-bit compressed sensing
Dr. Thomas Neuhaus Forschungszentrum Jülich 24.1.2013 Simulating Loop Gases with WORM updates
Dr. Alberto Rosso Universite Paris Sud 4-5.4.2013 Spatial extent of an outbreak in animal epedemics
Prof. Dr. Aernout van Enter University of Groningen 18.4.2013

Bootstrap percolation, the role of anisotropy. Questions, some answers and applications.

Prof. Dr. Claudius Gros Universität Frankfurt 22.4.2013 Complex dynamical systems and our brain
Caleb Cook Harvard University 1.6-7.8.2013 Simulating ageing behavior of random-site Ising models on GPUs
Jörg Bremer University of Oldenburg 5.7.2013 Support vector decoders for contraint handling (in distributed power planning)
Prof. Dr. Roderich Moessner Max-Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems 28.10.2013 Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice
Dr. Tiago de Paula Peixoto Universität Bremen 14.11.2013 Statistical inference of modules in large-scale networks
Prof. Dr. Eckehard Schöll TU Berlin 27.1.2014

Chimera states in dynamical networks: spontaneous symmetry breaking

Prof. Dr. Marc Timme Max-Planck Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation, Göttingen 28.4.2014

Modern Power Grids: (In-)Stabilities, Braess` Paradox and Non-local Cascades

Prof. Dr. Kay Hamacher TU Darmstadt 7-8.5.2014

Stochastic Tunneling and Time Series Analysis for Global Optimization Techniques

Pr. Dr. Gregory Nuel CNRS and Sorbonne, Paris 19.-20.6.2014

Estimating Causal Effects in Gene Expression from a Mixture of Observational and Intervention Experiments

Dr. Giulio Biroli CEA, Saclay 7.-8.1.2015

Hidden static length-scales of super-cooled liquids

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff Humboldt University, Berlin 22.1.2015 Efficient simulation methods for quantum field theory and statistical physics models
Prof. Dr. Jörg Lücke University of Oldenburg 6.3.2015 Inference and learning for sensory data
Paul Schultz Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research 21.4.2015 Basin stability: large perturbations in power grids
Prof. Dr. Philippe Blanchard University of Bielefeld 27.4.2015 Mathematical Analysis of Complex Networks: from Theory to Applications
Prof. Friederike Schmid University of Mainz 9.7.2015 Studying Mesoscale Flow with Dissipative Particle Dynamics
Prof. Ofer Biham and Prof. Eytan Katzav Hebrew University of Jerusalem 5.-6.8.2015 Analytical results for the distribution of shortest path lengths in random networks
Satoshi Takabe University of Tokyo 27.-31.9.2015 Typical behavior of linear programming for combinatorial optimization problems
Prof. Martin Oettel University of Tübingen 26.-27.10.2015 Superfast anomalous diffusion at interfaces
Prof. Reimer Kühn King's College 2.-3.11.2015 Risk and the Statistical Physics of Falling Dominoes
Dr. Ebrahim Foulaadvand University of Zanjan 16.-19.8.2016 Posing two problems in city transport optimization
Prof. Dr. Peter Young University of California 19.-25.10.2016 Can a quantum computer solve optimization problems more efficiently than a classical computer?
Prof. Dr. Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns Jacobs University Bremen 26.1.2017 On the Role of Frustration in Dynamical Systems
Dr. Sebastian Kapfer University of Erlangen-Nürnberg 6.4.17 Melting in 2d and a fresh perspective on Monte Carlo
Gilles Monneret Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 3.-13.4.2017 Identification of causal relationships in gene networks, from
observational and interventional expression data
Prof. Dr. Annette Zippelius University of Göttingen 18.5.2017 Dense Granular Flow
Prof. Dr. Barbara Drossel Technische Universität Darmstadt 22.5.2017 Can statistical mechanics be reduced to quantum mechanics?
Gunnar Claussen Jade-Hochschule 28.6.2017 Reconstruction of the radial refractive index prole of optical waveguides from lateral diffraction patterns
Prof. Dr. Peter F. Stadler Universität Leipzig 2.11.2017 Statistical Thermodynamics of RNA Secondary Structures
Prof. Dr. Alexey Chernov Universität Oldenburg 20.12.2017 Multilevel Monte Carlo Algorithms
Alexandre Krajenbrink Ecole Normale Supérieure 26.-27.4.2018 A bottom-up approach to the KPZ equation for interface growth: recent developments
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreckenberg Universität Duisburg-Essen 25.6.2018 Statistical mechanics of traffic models
Dr. Vivien Lecomte University of Grenoble 24.1.2019

Population dynamics and rare events

Prof. Dr. Ralf Metzler Universität Potsdam 6.6.2019

Brownian motion and beyond

Dr. Anna Zakharaova TU Berlin 20.6.2019 Dynamics and control of multilayer networks
Dr. Oliver Melchert University of Hannover 18.11.2021 Accurate Modelling and simulation of the dynamics of ultrashort optical pulses in nonlinear waveguides
Dr. Marco Tarzia Sorbonne Paris 14.07.2022 Glassy properties of many-body localization
Prof. Dr. Thilo Gross Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity 3.11.2022 One ring for all
Prof. Dr. Joachim Krug University of Cologne 21.11.2022 How predictable is evolution?
Prof. Dr. Martin Weigel University of Chemnitz 12.01.2023

Ising and Potts models in a random field: results from (quasi-)exact algorithms

Dr. Satya Majumdar University Paris-Saclay 27.04.2023 Stochastic Resetting
Dr. Diego Rybski Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research 11.05.2023 Selected Aspects of Urban Complexity
Dr. Johannes Zierenberg Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation 04.04.2024 How contact patterns affect the non-equilibrium physics of epidemic outbreaks
Prof. Dr. Heiko Rieger Universität des Saarlandes 27.06.2024 Non-Markovian and collective Search Strategies
(Changed: 26 Jun 2024)  | 
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