Booking system and training request

Booking system and training request

The microscopy core facility booking page is located:

After registering, you will be permitted to send training requests via this platform. After an introduction, laser safety, and instrument training, you will be able to file bokkings via this platform.

Depending on the personal availability and the instrument training that you have requested you will be contacted by Dr. Petra Bolte or Dr. Levent Gütay

Each new user has to attend a short laser safety introduction by a laser safety officer (currently both Dr. Petra Bolte and Dr. Levent Gütay). Please note that the laser safety instruction should be repeated every year, similar to the general lab safety instructions.

For general inquiries or for reporting system failures, error messages, other problems with the setups or computers etc. please contact us via phone, e-mail or the user-platform openiris as well.

We are happy to advise you on your projects and to clarify the time and effort required for your work. The devices may only be used independently by trained users.


Udpate info about SP8 booking:

  • During the core hours (8.00-20.00) there are three time-slots per day: 7.45-11.45 (open beginning); 12.00-16.00; 16.15-20.15 (open end).
  • You are allowed to book three timeslots per week. There is no restriction outside the core hours.
  • There are two exceptions if the SP8 is not fully booked or if the SP8 microscope is free (not booked in the calendar) you can  book free slots for the next day or you can use it without booking (first come, first serve).
Levent Gütay (Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: | # |
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