Leica SP2 Confocal



Prof. Dr. Martin Greschner




Leica SP2 Confocal

Confocal: Leica TCS SL (SP2), upright laser scanning confocal microscope.

Excitation lasers: Argon 488 nm, HeNe 594/633 nm.

Detection: Multi-spectral (filter-free) detector optics, two PMT detectors, one transmission light detector
3 frames/s at 512x512 pixels with conventional galvo scanners, xyzt

Software “Leica Confocal Software” with legacy .lei file format (compatible with Fiji)

Objectives 10x/0.30 dry, 20x/0.50 dry, 40x/0.70 dry, 40x/1.25 oil, 63x/1.32 oil.

Important : Channels cannot be switched between frames during scanning, only between stacks!

For booking the microscope, please contact Christian Puller

Leica SP2 microscope

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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