

Former group leader

Prof. Dr. Heribert Cypionka 


Microbiological garden 


Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie


(* = Peer-reviewed)


Engelen B, Engelhardt T, Cypionka H (2014) Phagen in Sedimenten der marinen tiefen Biosphäre. Biospektrum 04.14:380-382, doi.org/10.1007/s12268-014-0451-0

Engelen B, Imachi H (2014) Cultivation of subseafloor prokaryotic life. In: Stein R, Blackman DK, Inagaki F, Larsen H-C (Eds.), Earth and life processes discovered from subseafloor environments: A decade of science achieved by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), Elsevier: Developments in Marine Geology, vol. 7, chapt. 2.6, p. 197-215, ISSN 1572-5480, ISBN 9780444626172 doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-62617-2.00008-6

*Engelhardt T, Kallmeyer J, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2014) High virus-to-cell ratios indicate on-going production of viruses in deep subsurface sediments. ISME J 8:1503–1509, doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2013.245

*Könneke M, Schubert DM, Brown PC, Hügler M, Standfest S, Schwander T, Schada von Borzyskowski L, Erb TJ, Stahl DA, Berg IA (2014) Ammonia-oxidizing archaea use the most energy-efficient aerobic pathway for CO2 fixation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, 8239-8244. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1402028111

*Vandieken V, Finke N, Thamdrup B (2014) Hydrogen, acetate, and lactate as electron donors for microbial manganese reduction in a manganese-rich coastal marine sediment. FEMS Mirobiol Ecol, 87: 733-745, doi.org/10.1111/1574-6941.12259


*Engelhardt T, Sahlberg M, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2013) Biogeography of Rhizobium radiobacter and distribution of associated temperate phages in deep subseafloor sediments. ISME J 7:199-209, doi.org/110.1038/ismej.2012.92

*Kraft B, Engelen B, Goldhammer T, Lin Y-S, Cypionka H, Könneke M. (2013) Desulfofrigus sp. prevails in sulfate-reducing dilution cultures from sediments of the Benguela upwelling area. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 84:86–97, doi.org/10.1111/1574-6941.12039

*Riedel T, Gomez-Consarnau L, Tomasch J, Martin M, Meike Rohlfs M, González JM, Spring S, Brinkhoff TH, Cypionka H, Klein J, Goessmann A, Fuhrman JA, Wagner-Doebler I (2013) Comparative genomics and physiology of the flavobacterium PRO95 carrying a proteorhdodopsin and a xanthorhodopsin like protein. PLoS ONE 8(3): e57487. doi.org/110.1371/journal.pone.0057487

*Soora M, Cypionka H (2013) Light enhances survival of Dinoroseobacter shibae during long-term starvation. PLoS ONE 8:e83960. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0083960

*Vandieken V, Thamdrup B (2013) Identification of acetate-oxidizing bacteria in a coastal marine surface sediment by RNA-stable isotope probing in anoxic slurries and intact cores. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 84: 373-386, doi.org/10.1111/1574-6941.12069


Engelen B, Dogs M, Kanukollu S, Cypionka H (2012) The metabolic potential and the distribution of the Roseobacter clade in marine sediments. In: Lucassen M, with contributions of the participants (Eds.), The Expedition of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" to the Antarctic in 2012 (ANT-XXVIII/4), Reports on Polar and Marine Research, AWI Bremerhaven, p. 55-57, epic.awi.de/31612/1/652-2012_Lucassen_ANT-28-4.pdf

Engelen B, Kleindienst S, Lever M, Siegert M (2012) Microbiology: Molecular-guided cultivation assays, distribution and quantification of microbial communities, community zonation, activity, and genomics based on molecular methods. In: Zabel M, Boetius A, Emeis K-C, Ferdelman TG, Spieß V (Eds.), PROSA: Process Studies in the Eastern South Atlantic, Cruise No. 76, April 12 - August 24, 2008, METEOR-Berichte, Universität Hamburg, 1-33 - 1-40, ISSN 2195-8475

*Fichtel K, Mathes F, Könneke M, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2012) Isolation of sulfate-reducing bacteria from sediments above the deep-subseafloor aquifer. Front Microbio 3:65, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2012.00065

*Graue J, Kleindienst S, Lueders T, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2012) Identifying fermenting bacteria in anoxic tidal-flat sediments by a combination of microcalorimetry and ribosome-based stable-isotope probing. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 81:78–87, doi.org/10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01282.x

*Graue J, Engelen B, Cypionka H (2012) Degradation of cyanobacterial biomass in anoxic tidal-flat sediments: a microcosm study of metabolic processes and community changes. ISME J 6:660-669, doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2011.120

*Seidel M, Graue J, Engelen B, Köster J, Sass H, Rullkötter J (2012) Advection and diffusion determine vertical distribution of microbial communities in intertidal sediments as revealed by combined biogeochemical and molecular biological analysis. Org Geochem 52:114–129, doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2012.08.015

*Thole S, Kalhoefer D, Voget S, Berger M, Engelhardt T, Liesegang H, Wollherr A, Kjelleberg S, Daniel R, M. Simon, Thomas T, Brinkhoff T (2012). Phaeobacter gallaeciensis genomes from globally opposite locations reveal high similarity of adaptation to surface life. ISME J, doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2012.62

*Vandieken V, Pester M, Finke N, Hyun J-H, Friedrich MW, Loy A, Thamdrup B (2012) Three manganese oxide-rich marine sediments harbor similar communities of acetate-oxidizing manganese-reducing bacteria. ISME J 6: 2078-2090, doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2012.41


*Beckmann S, Lüders T, Krüger M, von Netzer F, Engelen B, Cypionka H (2011) Acetogens and acetoclastic methanosarcinales govern methane formation in abandoned coal mines. Appl Environ Microbiol 77:3749–3756, doi.org/10.1128/AEM.02818-10

*Beckmann S, Krüger M, Engelen B, Gorbushina AA, Cypionka H (2011) Role of Bacteria, Archaea and Fungi involved in methane release in abandoned coal mines. Geomcrobiol J 28:347–358, doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2010.503258

*Beck M, Riedel T, Graue J, Köster J, Kowalski N, Wu CS, Wegener G, Lipsewers Y, Freund H, Böttcher ME, Brumsack H-J, Rullkötter J, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2011) Imprint of past and present environmental conditions on microbiology and biogeochemistry of coastal Quaternary sediments. Biogeosciences 8:55-68, doi.org/10.5194/bg-8-55-2011

Cypionka H, Engelen B (2011) Tracing the Migration of Bacteria from the Water Column into Subsurface Sediments. In: Seifert R, Boetius A, Bohrmann G, Bialas J, Borowski C (Eds.), Biogeochemistry, Microbiology, Marine Fluids, Gas Hydrates and Regional Palaeo-Climate of the Black Sea, Cruise No. 72, February 7 - June 4, 2007, METEOR-Berichte, Universität Hamburg, 12-1, 5-25 - 5-28, doi.org/10.2312/cr_m72

*Engelhardt T, Sahlberg M, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2011) Induction of prophages from deep-subseafloor bacteria Environm Microbiol Rep 3:459–465, doi.org/10.1111/j.1758-2229.2010.00232.x

*Holert J, Hahnke S, Cypionka H (2011) Influence of light and anoxia on chemiosmotic energy conservation in Dinoroseobacter shibae. Environm Microbiol Rep 3:136-141, doi.org/10.1111/j.1758-2229.2010.00199.x

*Logemann J, Graue J, Köster J, Engelen B, Rullkötter J, Cypionka H (2011) A laboratory experiment of intact polar lipid degradation in sandy sediments. Biogeosciences 8:2547-2560, doi.org/10.5194/bg-8-2547-2011

Raap E, Cypionka H (2011) Vom Bilderstapel in die dritte Dimension: 3D-Mikroaufnahmen mit PICOLAY. Mikrokosmos 100:140-144, doi.org/10.1007/s12268-016-0668-1

*Tourna M, Stieglmeier M, Spang A, Könneke M, Schintlmeister A, Urich T, Engel M, Schloter M, Wagner M, Richter A, Schleper C (2011) Nitrososphaera viennensis, an ammonia oxidizing archaeon from soil. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108:8420-8425, doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1013488108


Cypionka H (2010) Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie. Springer-Lehrbuch, 340 S., ISBN 978-3-642-05095-4

*Gittel A, Seidel M, Kuever J, Galushko AS, Cypionka H, Könneke M (2010) Desulfopila inferna sp. nov., a sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from the subsurface of a tidal sand-flat. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60:1626-1630 doi.org/10.1099/ijs.0.015644-0

*Riedel T, Tomasch J, Buchholz I, Jacobs J, Kollenberg M, Gerdts G, Wichels A, Brinkhoff T, Cypionka H, Wagner-Döbler I (2010) The proteorhodopsin gene is expressed constitutively by a Flavobacterium representative of the proteorhodopsin carrying microbial community in the North Sea. Appl Environ Microbiol 76:3187-3197 doi.org/10.1128/AEM.02971-09

*Sass H, Köpke B, Rütters H, Feuerlein T, Dröge S, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2010) Tateyamaria pelophila sp. nov. a facultatively anaerobic Alphaproteobacterium isolated from tidal-flat sediments, and emended descriptions of the genus Tateyamaria and of Tateyamaria omphalii. Int J Sys Evol Microbiol 60: 1770-1777 doi.org/10.1099/ijs.0.013524-0

*Steinsbu BO, Thorseth IH, Nakagawa S, Inagaki F, Lever MA, Engelen B, Ovreas L, Pedersen RB (2010) Archaeoglobus sulfaticallidus sp. nov., a novel thermophilic and facultatively lithoautotrophic sulfate-reducer isolated from black rust exposed to hot ridge flank crustal fluids. IJSEM 60:2745-2752 doi.org/10.1099/ijs.0.016105-0

*Wagner-Döbler I, Ballhausen B, Baumgart M, Brinkhoff T, Buchholz I, Bunk B, Cypionka H, Daniel R, Drepper T, Gerdts G, Hahnke S, Han C, Jahn D, Kalhoefer D, Kiss H, Klenk H-P, Kyrpides N, Liebl W, Liesegang H, Meincke L, Pati A, Petersen J, Piekarski T, Pommerenke C, Pradella S, Pukall R, Rabus R, Stackebrandt E, Thole S, Thompson L, Tielen P, Tomasch J, von Jan M, Wanphrut N, Wichels A, Zech H, Simon M (2010) The complete genome sequence of the algal symbiont Dinoroseobacter shibae - a hitchhiker`s guide to life in the sea. ISME J 4:61-77 doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2009.94

*Walker CB, de la Torre JR, Klotz MG, Urakawa H, Pinel N, Arp DJ, Brochier-Armanet C, Chain PSG, Chan PP, Gollabgir A, Hemp J, Hügler M, Karr EA, Könneke M, Shin M, Lawton TJ, Lowe T, Martens-Habbena W, Sayavedra-Soto LA, Lang D, Sievert SM, Rosenzweig AC, Manning G, Stahl DA (2010) Nitrosopumilus maritimus genome reveals unique mechanisms for nitrification and autotrophy in globally distributed marine crenarchaea. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 107:8818-8823 doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0913533107


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