

Former group leader

Prof. Dr. Heribert Cypionka 


Microbiological garden 


Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie


(* = Peer-reviewed)


*Cypionka H and Reese J-O (2021) Recording and Simulating Proton-Related Metabolism in Bacterial Cell Suspensions. Front. Microbiol. 12:654065; doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.654065

*Degenhardt J, Khodami S, Milke F, Waska H, Engelen B, Martinez Arbizu P (2021) The Three Domains of Life Within the Discharge Area of a Shallow Subterranean Estuary at a High Energy Beach. Front. Environ. Sci. 9:642098; doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.642098

*Heinrichs ME, De Corte D, Engelen B, Pan D. (2021). An Advanced Protocol for the Quantification of Marine Sediment Viruses via Flow Cytometry. Viruses 13(1):102; doi.org/10.3390/v13010102


*Degenhardt J, Dlugosch L, Ahrens J, Beck M, Waska H, Engelen B (2020) Seasonal Dynamics of Microbial Diversity at a Sandy High Energy Beach Reveal a Resilient Core Community. Frontiers in Marine Science 7. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.573570

*Heinrichs ME, Tebbe DA, Wemheuer B, Niggemann J, Engelen B (2020) Impact of viral lysis on the composition of bacterial communities and dissolved organic matter in deep-sea sediments. Viruses 12, 922; https://doi.org/10.3390/v12090922

*Schorn S, Salman-Carvalho V, Littmann S, Ionescu D, Grossart HP, Cypionka H (2019) Cell architecture of the giant sulfur bacterium Achromatium oxaliferum: Extra-cytoplasmic localization of calcium carbonate bodies. FEMS Microbiology Ecology: 96, 2, fiz200, doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiz200


*Heinrichs M, Dlugosch L, Mori C (2019) Complex Interactions Between Aquatic Organisms and Their Chemical Environment Elucidated from Different Perspectives. In: Jungblut S, Liebich V, Bode-Dalby M (Eds.), Youmares 9 - The Oceans: Our research, our future. Proceedings of the 2018 conference for YOUng MArine RESearcher in Oldenburg, Germany, Springer International Publishing, p. 279-297, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20389-4

*Pohlner M, Dlugosch L, Wemheuer B, Mills H, Engelen B, Reese BK (2019) The Majority of Active Rhodobacteraceae in Marine Sediments Belong to Uncultured Genera: A Molecular Approach to Link Their Distribution to Environmental Conditions. Front Microbiol 10:659, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2019.00659.

*Seibert SL, Degenhardt J, Ahrens J, Reckhardt A, Schwalfenberg K, Waska H (2019) Investigating the Land-Sea Transition Zone. In: Jungblut S, Liebich V, Bode-Dalby M (Eds.), Youmares 9 - The Oceans: Our research, our future. Proceedings of the 2018 conference for YOUng MArine RESearcher in Oldenburg, Germany, Springer International Publishing,  p. 225-242, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20389-4_12.

*Waska H, Greskowiak J, Ahrens J, Beck M, Ahmerkamp S, Böning P, Brumsack HJ, Degenhardt J, Ehlert C, Engelen B, Grünenbaum N, Holtappels M, Pahnke K, Marchant HK, Massmann G, Meier D, Schnetger B, Schwalfenberg K, Simon H, Vandieken V, Zielinski O, Dittmar T (2019) Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Pore Water Chemistry in the Inter-Tidal Zone of a High Energy Beach. Front Mar Sci 6:154, doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00154.

*Wemheuer F, von Hoyningen-Huene AJE, Pohlner M, Degenhardt J, Engelen B, Daniel R, Wemheuer B (2019) Primary Production in the Water Column as Major Structuring Element of the Biogeographical Distribution and Function of Archaea in Deep-Sea Sediments of the Central Pacific Ocean. Archaea, vol. 2019, Article ID 3717239, doi.org/10.1155/2019/3717239

*Ziesche L, Wolter L, Wang H, Brinkhoff T, Pohlner M, Engelen B, Wagner-Döbler I, Schulz S (2019) An Unprecedented Medium-Chain Diunsaturated N-acylhomoserine Lactone from Marine Roseobacter Group Bacteria. Mar. Drugs 2019, 17(1), 20; doi.org/10.3390/md17010020


*Castillo D, Vandieken V, Engelen B, Engelhardt T, Middelboe M (2018) Draft genome sequences of six Vibrio diazotrophicus strains isolated from deep subsurface sediments of the Baltic Sea. doi.org/10.1128/genomeA.00081-18

*Kirchhoff C, Ebert M, Jahn D, Cypionka H (2018) Chemiosmotic energy conservation in Dinoroseobacter shibae: Proton translocation driven by aerobic respiration, denitrification and photosynthetic light reaction. Front Microbiol doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00903

*Schorn S, Cypionka H (2018) A crispy diet: Grazers of Achromatium oxaliferum in Lake Stechlin sediments. Microbial Ecol doi.org/10.1007/s00248-018-1158-4

*Vandieken V, Marshall IPG, Niemann H, Engelen B, Cypionka H (2018) Labilibaculum manganireducens gen. nov., sp. nov. and Labilibaculum filiforme sp. nov., novel Bacteroidetes isolated from subsurface sediments of the Baltic Sea. Front Microbiol 8:2614, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.02614


*Beck M, Reckhardt A, Amelsberg J, Bartholomä A, Brumsack H-J, Cypionka H, Dittmar T, Engelen B, Greskowiak J, Hillebrand H, Holtappels M, Neuholz R, Köster J, Kuypers MMM, Massmann G, Meier D, Niggemann J, Paffrath R, Pahnke K, Rovo S, Striebel M, Vandieken V, Wehrmann A, Zielinski O (2017) The drivers of biogeochemistry in beach ecosystems: A cross-shore transect from the dunes to the low water line. Mar Chem 190:35-50, doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2017.01.001

*Harig T, Schlawis C, Ziesche L, Pohlner M, Engelen B, Schulz S (2017) Nitrogen-containing volatiles from marine Salinispora pacifica and Roseobacter-group bacteria. J Nat Prod ASAP, doi.org/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.7b00789

*Hyun J-H, Kim S-H, Mok J-S, Cho H, Lee T, Vandieken V, Thamdrup T (2017) Manganese and iron reduction dominate organic carbon oxidation in deep continental margin sediments of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea. Biogeosciences 14:941-958, doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-941-2017

*Ionescu D, Bizic-Ionescu M, De Maio N, Cypionka H, Grossart H-P (2017) Community-like genome in single cells of the sulfur bacterium Achromatium oxaliferum. Nature Commun 8:455, https://doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00342-9

*Kirchhoff C, Cypionka H (2017) Propidium ion enters viable cells with high membrane potential during live-dead staining. J Microbiol Methods 142:79-82, doi.org/10.1016/j.mimet.2017.09.011

*Kirchhoff C, Cypionka H (2017) Boosted membrane potential as bioenergetic response to anoxia in Dinoroseobacter shibae. Front Microbiol 8:695, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.00695

*Pohlner M, Degenhardt J, von Hoyningen-Huene AJE, Wemheuer B, Erlmann N, Schnetger B, Badewien TH, Engelen B (2017) The biogeographical distribution of benthic Roseobacter group members along a Pacific transect is structured by nutrient availability within the sediments and primary production in different oceanic provinces. Front Microbiol 8:2550, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.02550

*Pohlner M, Marshall I, Schreiber L, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2017) Draft genome sequence of Pseudoruegeria sp. SK021, a representative of the marine Roseobacter group, isolated from North Sea sediment. Genome Announc 5:e00541-17, doi.org/10.1128/genomeA.00541-17

Satpathy P, Steinigeweg S, Siefert E, Cypionka H (2017) Effect of lactate and starter inoculum on biogas production from fresh maize and maize silage. Adv Microbiol 7:358-376, doi.org/10.4236/aim.2017.75030

*Vandieken V, Niemann H, Engelen B, Cypionka H (2017) Marinisporobacter balticus gen. nov., sp. nov., Desulfosporosinus nitroreducens sp. nov. and Desulfosporosinus fructosivorans sp. nov., new spore-forming bacteria isolated from subsurface sediments of the Baltic Sea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 67:1887-1893, doi.org/10.1099/ijsem.0.001883

*Vandieken V, Sabelhaus L, Engelhardt T (2017) Virus dynamics are influenced by season, tides and advective transport in intertidal, permeable sediments. Front Microbiol 8: 2526, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.02526

*Wöhlbrand L, Feenders C, Nachbaur J, Freund H, Engelen B, Wilkes H, Brumsack H, Rabus R (2017) Impact of extraction methods on the detectable protein complement of metaproteomic analyses of marine sediments. Proteomics 17:1700241 doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201700241

*Zabaloy MC, Allegrini M, Tebbe DA, Schuster K, Gomez EV (2017) Nitrifying bacteria and archaea withstanding glyphosate in fertilized soil microcosms, Applied Soil Ecology, 117‑118:88‑95,  doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.04.012


Cypionka H, Völcker E, Rohde M (2016) Erzeugung virtueller 3D-Bilder mit jedem Lichtmikroskop oder REM. BIOspektrum, 22:143-145, doi.org/10.1007/s12268-016-0668-1

*Kanukollu S, Voget S, Pohlner M, Vandieken V, Petersen J, Kyrpides NC, Woyke T, Shapiro N, Göker M, Klenk H-P, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2016). Genome sequence of Shimia str. SK013, a representative of the Roseobacter group isolated from marine sediment. SIGS,11:1-10, doi.org/10.1186/s40793-016-0143-0

*Kanukollu S, Wemheuer B, Herber J, Billerbeck S, Lucas J, Daniel R, Simon M, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2016) Distinct compositions of free-living, particle-associated and benthic communities of the Roseobacter group in the North Sea. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 91:xx, doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiv145

*Satpathy P, Biernacki P, Cypionka H, Steinigeweg S (2016) Modelling anaerobic digestion in an industrial biogas digester: Application of lactate including ADM1 model. J Environm Sci Health, doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2016.1212558

*Satpathy P, Biernacki P, Uhlenhut F, Cypionka H, Steinigeweg S (2016) Modelling anaerobic digestion in a biogas reactor: ADM1 model development with lactate as an intermediate. J Environm Sci Health, doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2016.1212559

Schrempf H, Cypionka H, Keller U (2016) Streptomyceten. Biologie in unserer Zeit 46:236-243, doi.org/10.1002/biuz.201610598


*Berg C, Listmann, L, Vandieken V, Vogts A, Jürgens K (2015) Chemoautotrophic growth of ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota enriched from a pelagic redox gradient in the Baltic Sea. Front Microbiol, 5, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2014.00786

*Berg C, Vandieken V, Thamdrup B, Jürgens K (2015) Significance of archaeal nitrification in hypoxic waters of the Baltic Sea. ISME J 9: 1319-1332, doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2014.218

*D'Hondt S, Inagaki F, Zarikian CA, Abrams LJ, Dubois N, Engelhardt T, Evans H, Ferdelman T, Gribsholt B, Harris RN, Hoppie BW, Hyun J-H, Kallmeyer J, Kim J, Lynch JE, McKinley CC, Mitsunobu S, Morono Y, Murray RW, Pockalny R, Sauvage J, Shimono T, Shiraishi F, Smith DC, Smith-Duque CE, Spivack AJ, Steinsbu BO, Suzuki Y, Szpak M, Toffin L, Uramoto G, Yamaguchi YT, Zhang G-l, Zhang X-H, Ziebis W (2015) Presence of oxygen and aerobic communities from sea floor to basement in deep-sea sediments. Nature Geosci, doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2387

*Fichtel K, Logemann J, Fichtel J, Rullkötter J, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2015) Temperature and pressure adaptation of a sulfate reducer from the deep subsurface. Front Microbiol, 6:1078, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2015.01078

*Kieft TL, Onstott TC, Ahonen L, Aloisi V, Colwell FS, Engelen B, Fendrihan S, Gaidos E, Harms U, Head I, Kallmeyer J, Kiel Reese B, Lin L-H, Long PE, Moser DP, Mills H, Sar P, Schulze-Makuch D, Stan-Lotter H, Wagner D, Wang P-L, Westall F, Wilkins MJ (2015) Workshop to develop deep-life continental scientific drilling projects. Sci. Dril., 3, 1-11, doi.org/10.5194/sd-19-43-2015

*Micic V, Köster J, Kruge MA, Engelen B, Hofmann T (2015) Bacterial wax esters in recent fluvial sediments. Org. Geochem. 88-89:44-66, doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2015.10.003

*Satpathy P, Steinigeweg S, Cypionka H, Engelen B (2015) Different substrates and starter inocula govern microbial community structures in biogas reactors. Environ Technol 20: xx, doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2015.1118559

*Soora M, Tomasch J, Wang H, Michael V, Petersen J, Engelen B, Wagner-Doebler I and Cypionka H (2015) Oxidative stress and starvation in Dinoroseobacter shibae: The role of extrachromosomal elements. Front Microbiol 6:233. doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2015.00233

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