Before 2000


Former group leader

Prof. Dr. Heribert Cypionka

Microbiological garden 


Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie

Before 2000

 (* = Peer-reviewed)


*Bauer S, Tholen A, Overmann J, Brune A (2000) Characterization of abundance and diversity of lactic acid bacteria in the hindgut of wood- and soil-feeding termites by molecular and culture-dependent techniques. Arch Microbiol 173:126-137

*Brune A, Frenzel P, Cypionka H (2000) Life at the oxic-anoxic interface: microbial activities and adaptations. FEMS Microbiol Rev 24:691-710

*Coolen MJL, Overmann J (2000) Functional exoenzymes as indicators of metabolically active bacteria in 124,000-year-old sapropel layers of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Appl Environ Microbiol 66:2589-2598

*Cypionka H (2000) Oxygen respiration by Desulfovibrio species. Annu Rev Microbiol 54:827-848

*Fröstl JM, Overmann J (2000) Phylogenetic affiliation of the bacteria that constitute phototrophic consortia. Arch Microbiol 174:50-58

Overmann J (2000) The family Chlorobiaceae. The Prokaryotes, Springer, New York (

Overmann J, Garcia-Pichel F (2000) The Phototrophic Way of Life. The Prokaryotes, Springer, New York (

*Overmann J, van Gemerden H. (2000) Microbial interactions involving sulfur bacteria: implications for the ecology and evolution of bacterial communities. FEMS Microbiol Rev 24:591-599

*Wieringa EBA, Overmann J, Cypionka H (2000) Detection of abundant sulphate-reducing bacteria in marine oxic sediment layers by a combined cultivation and molecular approach. Environ Microbiol 2:417-427

*Permentier HP, Neerken S, Schmidt KA, Overmann J, Amesz J (2000) Energy transfer and charge separation in the purple non-sulfur bacterium Roseospirillum parvum. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenergetics 1460:338-345

*Spring S, Schulze R, Overmann J, Schleifer KH (2000) Identification and characterization of ecologically significant prokaryotes in the sediment of freshwater lakes: molecular and cultivation studies. FEMS Microbiol Rev 24:573-590



Babenzien H-D, Sass H (1999) Desulfurikation. In: v. Tümpling W, Friedrich G (Hrsg.) Methoden der Biologischen Gewässeruntersuchung. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, pp. 435-444.

*Bartscht K, Cypionka H, Overmann J (1999) Evaluation of cell activity and of methods for the cultivation of bacteria from a natural lake community. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 28:249-259

Cypionka H (1999) Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, ISBN 3-540-65348-1, 287pp

*Eschemann, A, Kühl M, Cypionka H (1999) Aerotaxis in Desulfovibrio. Environ Microbiol 1:489-495

*Fröhlich J, Sass H, Babenzien H-D, Kuhnigk T, Varma A, Saxena S, Nalepa C, Pfeiffer P, König H (1999) Isolation of Desulfovibrio intestinalis sp. nov. from the hindgut of the lower termite Mastotermes darwiniensis. Can J Microbiol 45:145-152.

*Glaeser J, Overmann J. (1999) Selective enrichment and characterization of Roseospirillum parvum, gen. nov. and sp. nov., a new purple nonsulfur bacterium with unusual light absorption properties. Arch Microbiol 171:405-416

Overmann J, Coolen M, Smock A, Sass H, Cypionka H (1999) Microbial activitites and populations in upper sediment and sapropel layers. In: Meteor-Berichte 99-2, Hieke W, Hemleben C, Linke P, Türkay M, Weikert H (Ed.), pp. 148-157, ISSN 0936-8957

*Overmann J, Hall, KJ, Northcote TG, Ebenhöh W, Chapman MA, Beatty JT (1999) Structure of the aerobic food chain in a meromictic lake dominated by purple sulfur bacteria. Arch Hydrobiol 144:127-156

*Overmann J, Hall KJ, Northcote TG, Beatty JT (1999) Grazing of the copepod Diaptomus connexus on purple sulfur bacteria in a meromictic salt lake. Environ Microbiol 1:213-222

*Overmann J, Coolen MJL, Tuschak C. (1999) Specific detection of different phylogenetic groups of chemocline bacteria based on PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA gene fragments. Arch Microbiol 172:83-94

Overmann J (1999) Green Sulfur Bacteria. In: Embryonic Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Nature Publishing Group, Macmillan, London,

*Tuschak C, Glaeser J, Overmann J (1999) Specific detection of green sulfur bacteria by in situ-hybridization with a fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probe. Arch Microbiol 171:265-272



*Böttcher ME, Smock AM, Cypionka H (1998) Sulfur isotope fractionation during experimental precipitation of iron (II) and manganese(II) sulfide at room temperature. Chem Geol 146:127-134

*Coolen MJL, Overmann J (1998) Analysis of subfossil molecular remains of purple sulfur bacteria in a lake sediment. Appl Environ Microbiol 64:4513-4521

*Cypionka H, Smock ME, Böttcher ME (1998) A combined pathway of sulfur compound disproportionation in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans. FEMS Microbiol Lett 166:181-186

*Fröstl J M, Overmann J (1998) Physiology and tactic response of the phototrophic consortium "Chlorochromatium aggregatum". Arch Microbiol 169:129-135

*Krekeler D, Teske A, Cypionka H (1998) Strategies of sulfate-reducing bacteria to escape oxygen stress in a cyanobacterial mat. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 25:89-98

*Overmann J, Tuschak C, Fröstl J, Sass H (1998) The ecological niche of the consortium "Pelochromatium roseum". Arch Microbiol 169:120-128

*Sass H, Berchthold M, Branke J, König H, Cypionka H, Babenzien HD (1998) Psychrotolerant sulfate-reducing bacteria from an oxic freshwater sediment, description of Desulfovibrio cuneatus sp. nov. and Desulfovibrio litoralis sp. nov. Syst Appl Microbiol 21:212-219

*Sass H, Wieringa E, Cypionka H, Babenzien H-D, Overmann J (1998) High genetic and physiological diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria isolated from an oligotrophic lake sediment. Arch Microbiol 170:243-251

*Smock AM, Böttcher ME, Cypionka H (1998) Fractionation of sulfur isotopes during thiosulfate reduction by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans. Arch Microbiol 169:460-463

*Stürmeyer H, Overmann, J, Babenzien H-D, Cypionka H (1998) Ecophysiological and phylogenetic studies of Nevskia ramosa in pure culture. Appl Environ Microbiol 64:1890-1894



*Jaspers E, Overmann J (1997) Separation of bacterial cells by isoelectric focusing, a new method for analysis of complex microbial communities. Appl Environ Microbiol 63:3176 - 3181

*Krekeler D, Sigalevich P, Teske A, Cohen Y, Cypionka H (1997) A sulfate-reducing bacterium from the oxic layer of a microbial mat from Solar Lake (Sinai), Desulfovibrio oxyclinae sp. nov. Arch Microbiol 167:369-375

Overmann J (1997) Mahoney Lake: a case study of the ecological significance of phototrophic sulfur bacteria. Adv Microbial Ecol 15:251-288

*Overmann J, Tuschak C (1997) Phylogeny and molecular fingerprinting of green sulfur bacteria. Arch Microbiol 167:302-309

*Sass H, Cypionka H, Babenzien H-D (1997) Vertical distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria at the oxic-anoxic interface in sediments of the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 22:245-255

*Teeling H, Cypionka H (1997) Microbial degradation of tetraethyl lead in soil monitored by microcalorimetry. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 48:275-279



*Babenzien H-D, Sass H (1996) The sediment-water interface - habitat of the unusual bacterium Achromatium oxaliferum. Arch Hydrobiol Spec Iss Advanc Limnol 48:247-251

*Fuseler K, Krekeler D, Sydow U, Cypionka H (1996) A common pathway of sulfide oxidation by sulfate-reducing bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Lett 144:129-134

*Kuhnigk T, Branke J, Krekeler D, Cypionka H, König H (1996) A feasible role of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the termite gut. System Appl Microbiol 19:139-149

*Overmann J, Beatty JT, Hall KJ (1996) Purple sulfur bacteria control the growth of aerobic heterotrophic bacterioplankton in a meromictic salt lake. Appl Environ Microbiol 62:3251-3258

*Sass H, Cypionka H, Babenzien H-D (1996) Sulfate-reducing bacteria from the oxic sediment layers of the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin. Arch Hydrobiol Spec Iss Advanc Limnol 48:241-246.

*Warthmann R, Cypionka H (1996) Characteristics of sulfate transport in Rhodobacter sulfidophilus. FEMS Microbiol Lett 142:243-246



Cypionka H (1995) Solute transport and cell energetics. In: Barton LL (ed) Sulfate-reducing bacteria, Biotechnology Handbooks, Plenum Press, New York and London, pp. 151-184

Cypionka H (1995) Ein neues Bild von den sulfatreduzierenden Bakterien. DGM-Mitteilungen 2-3/1995:25-27, ISSN 0938-9911

*Fuseler K, Cypionka H (1995) Elemental sulfur as an intermediate of sulfide oxidation by Desulfobulbus propionicus. Arch Microbiol 164:104-109

*Kreke B, Cypionka H (1995) Energetics of sulfate transport in Desulfomicrobium baculatum. Arch Microbiol 163:307-309

*Krekeler D, Cypionka H (1995) The preferred electron acceptor of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans CSN. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 17:271-278



Cypionka H (1994) Novel metabolic capacities of sulfate-reducing bacteria, and their activities in microbial mats. In: Stal LJ, Caumette P (eds) Microbial Mats: Structure, development and environmental significance, Springer, Berlin, pp 367-376

Cypionka H (1994) Sulfate transport. Methods in Enzymol 243:3-14

*Kreke B, Cypionka H (1994) Role of sodium ions for sulfate transport and energy metabolism in Desulfovibrio salexigens. Arch Microbiol 161:55-61

*Overmann J, Beatty JT, Hall KJ (1994) Photosynthetic activity and population dynamics of Amoebobacter purpureus in a meromictic saline lake. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 15:309-320

*Overmann J, Beatty JT, Krouse HR, Hall KJ (1996) The sulfur cycle in the chemocline of a meromictic salt lake. Limnol Oceanogr 41:147-156

*Steuber J, Cypionka H, Kroneck PMH (1994) Mechanism of dissimilatory sulfite reduction by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans: purification of a membrane-bound sulfite reductase and coupling with cytochrome c3 and hydrogenase. Arch Microbiol 162:255-260



*Fuhrmann S, Overmann J, Pfennig N, Fischer U (1993) Influence of vitamin B12 and light on the formation of chlorosomes in green- and brown-colored Chlorobium species. Arch Microbiol 160:193-198

*Marschall C, Frenzel P, Cypionka H (1993) Influence of oxygen on sulfate reduction and growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Arch Microbiol 159:168-173

*Overmann J, Sandmann G, Hall KJ, Northcote TG (1993) Fossil carotenoids and paleolimnology of meromictic Mahoney Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Aquatic Sciences 55:31-39

*Overmann J, Roth P (1993) Die Situation der Streuobstbestände im westlichen Bodenseeraum an zwei Beispielen. Mitt bad Landesver Naturk Naturschutz 3/4, 569-579

*Seitz AP, Nielsen TH, Overmann J (1993) Physiology of purple sulfur bacteria forming macroscopic aggregates in Great Sippewissett Salt Marsh, Massachusetts. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 12:225-236

*Warthmann R, Pfennig N, Cypionka H (1993) The quantum requirement for H2 production by anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 39:358-362



*Dannenberg S, Kroder M, Dilling W, Cypionka H (1992) Oxidation of H2, organic compounds and inorganic sulfur compounds coupled to reduction of O2 or nitrate by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Arch Microbiol 158:93-99

*Kreke B, Cypionka H (1992) Protonmotive force in freshwater sulfate-reducing bacteria, and its role in sulfate accumulation in Desulfobulbus propionicus. Arch Microbiol 158:183-187

*Overmann J, Cypionka H, Pfennig N (1992) An extremely low-light-adapted phototrophic bacterium from the Black Sea. Limnol Oceanogr 37:150-155

*Overmann J, Pfennig N (1992) Buoyancy regulation and aggregate formation in Amoebobacter purpureus from Mahoney Lake. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 101:67-79

*Overmann J, Fischer U, Pfennig N (1992) A new purple sulfur bacterium from saline littoral sediments Thiorhodovibrio winogradskyi gen. nov. and sp. nov. Arch Microbiol 157:329-335

*Overmann J, Pfennig N (1992) Continuous chemotrophic growth and respiration of Chromatiaceae species at low oxygen concentrations. Arch Microbiol 158:59-67

*Sass H, Steuber J, Kroder M, Kroneck PMH, Cypionka H (1992) Formation of thionates by freshwater and marine strains of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Arch Microbiol 158:418-421

*Warthmann R, Cypionka H, Pfennig N (1992) Photoproduction of H2 from acetate by syntrophic cocultures of green sulfur bacteria and sulfur-reducing bacteria. Arch Microbiol 157:343-348

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