Dr. Melike Yumus

Melike Yumus

Institut für Sonder- und Rehabilitationspädagogik  (» Postanschrift)

Dr. Melike Yumus


  • Home Learning Environment/  Family Literacy
  • Early Literacy 
  • Digitale Medien in der Sprach- und Literacyförderung
  • Kindliche Entwicklung und Vorschulprogramme


Journals (peer-reviewed)

Yumus, M., Turan, F. (2021). The Impact of Parent Training Intervention in Early Years: Language and Literacy Development. International Journal of Early Years Education. DOI: 10.1080/09669760.2021.1933918

Logan, J. A., Justice, L. M., Yumus, M., & Chaparro-Moreno, L. J. (2019). When Children Are Not Read to at Home: The Million Word Gap. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 40(5), 383-386.

Yumus, M., Bayhan, P. (2016). Early childhood behavioral problems in Turkey: teachers’ views, challenges and coping strategies. Early Child Development and Care, 0300-4430 (Print), 1476-8275 (Online), DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2016.1199552.

Yükselen, A., Yumuş, M., & Işık, E. (2016). Çocuk kitabı seçme kriterlerine ilişkin okul öncesi  eğitimcilerin görüşleri. Başkent University Journal of Education, 3(2), 161-168.

Yumuş, M., & Tanju, E. H. (2015). Öğretmen Adaylarının Erken Çocuklukta “Erken Müdahale” ye İlişkin Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi. Başkent University Journal of Education, 2(1), 68-76.

Journals (other)

Yumuş, M., Meti̇n, N. (2015). Kaynaştırma Sınıflarında Davranış Problemlerinin Nedenleri ve Baş Etme Yöntemleri . Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 1(2), 474-482.

Meti̇n, N., Şenol, B., Yumuş, M. (2015). Okul Öncesi Eğitim Sınıflarına Kaynaştırılan Otistik Çocukların Sosyometrik Statülerinin İncelenmesi, 1(2), 483-490.


Yumus, M. (2018) Erken Müdahale. In: S. Ünlü-Cetin Editor. Bebeklik Döneminde Gelisim. Ankara: Nobel.

Präsentationen & Workshop

Yumus, M., Nicosia, R., Testa, T., Stuhr, C., Meindl, M., Jungmann, T. (2023). Development of an app-based narrative assessment: Examining parents’ home literacy environment and children’s language and narrative skills. Second BRISE Conference on Early Childhood Development: Berlin, Germany.

Yumus, M., Vogel, D. (2022). Differentiated Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms. Workshop: International Summer School: Diversity & Inclusion in Teacher Education. Bremen University, Germany.

Yumus, M. (2020). Family Literacy: Literacy and Culture in Everyday Life. Online Workshop. HAW Hamburg University, Germany.

Yumus, M. (2019). Effects of a shared book reading intervention program on language and literacy development in the first two years. CPH 2019: Copenhagen, Denmark.

Yumus, M. (2019). Birlikte Kitap Okuma. Workshop: Kapodokya University, Turkey.

Yumus, M. (2018). An Investigation of Families’ Abilities on Shared Book Reading During Infancy. ECER 2018: Prague, Czech Republic.

Yumus, M. (2018). Effectiveness of Early Literacy Programs: Meta-analysis. Conference: Antalya, Turkey.

Yumus, M., Magden D., (2016). The Role of Pre-school Teachers in Early Literacy Skills in Preschool Period. 25. National Education Sciences Congress: Antalya, Turkey.

Turkoglu H, Yumus M., (2016). Investigation of Scientific Studies Related to the Use of Technology in Preschool Education. 25. National Education Sciences Congress: Antalya, Turkey.

Yumus, M., Metin, N. (2015). Okul öncesi eğitim sınıflarına kaynaştırılan otistik çocukların sosyometrik statülerinin incelenmesi. III. International Child Development and Education Congress: Ankara, Turkey.

Yumus, M., Olgan, R. (2015). An Investigation of the Relationship Between 5 Year Old Children’s Writing Awareness and Their Mothers’ Perceptions Regarding Early Literacy. 67th World Organization for Early Chilhood Education (OMEP): Washington DC, USA.

Yumus, M., Karaman, N. (2015). An Investigation of Pepee Cartoon In Terms of Development Of Early Literacy Skills. IV. International Early Childhood Education Congress: Ankara, Turkey.

Tanju, E & Yumus, M. (2014). An Investigation of Early Intervention Perceptions of Pre-school Teacher Candidates. International Early Intervention in Preschool Congress: Antalya, Turkey.

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