Dr. Miriam Reverter


Dr. Miriam Reverter

Tel.: +49-(0)4421-944-216
Fax: +49-(0)4421-944-140


ICBM Terramare
Schleusenstraße 1
26382 Wilhelmshaven

Dr. Miriam Reverter

Miriam Reverter, Dr.

Research interests

My main research interest is the study of biotic and abiotic interactions in the marine environment and especially in coral reefs. I am especially interested in the study of complex networks between organisms and how these can be altered by changing conditions (e.g. climate change, pollution, etc.). I combine different techniques and approaches including ecology, molecular biology and chemistry, in order to explore hypotheses from different perspectives and better understand the complexity in the biological responses of organisms. I am especially interested in the use of “omics” sciences such as metabolomics and microbiomics to understand the biological changes of organisms exposed to different environmental conditions or interacting with other organisms.

My current research involves the study of the mechanisms that coral-killing sponges (i.e. sponges that can overgrow live coral tissue) deploy to outcompete corals and how anthropogenic stressors affect or facilitate these sponge-coral interactions.

I am also interested in the interaction between the aquatic environment and humans and part of my research has been dedicated to investigate sustainable alternatives (mainly bioactive plants and algae) for disease management in aquaculture and explore some of the potential threats of the aquaculture sector (global warming and antimicrobial resistance).



  • Since 2019: Humboldt Post-doctoral fellow at ICBM- Terramare / Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
  • 2018-2019: IRD Post-doctoral researcher at Institute of Evolutionary Sciences (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
  • 2017-2018: Post-doctoral researcher at the National University of Galway Ireland (NUIG)
  • 2013-2016: Ph.D. candidate at CRIOBE laboratory and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Perpignan, France and Moorea, French Polynesia)
  • 2013-2014: La Caixa fellow, M.Sc. in Bioactive molecules and environment at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia (Perpignan, France)
  • 2007-2012: Degree in Marine Sciences at the University of las Palmas of Gran Canaria (Spain)



Reverter, M., Sarter, S., Caruso, D., Avarre, J-C., Combe, M., Pepey, E., Pouyaud, L., Vega-Heredia, S., de Verdal, H., Gozlan, R.E. Aquaculture at the crossroads of global warming and antimicrobial resistance. Nature Communications, accepted.

Hoseinifar, S.H., Shakouri, M., van Doan, H., Shafiei, S., Yousefi, M., Raeisi, M., Yousefi, S., Harikrishnan, R., Reverter, M. Dietary supplementation of lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora) improved immunity, immune-related genes and antioxidant enzymes in rainbow trout (Oncorrhyncus mykiss). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, in press.

Tarkhani, R., Imani, A., Hoseinifar, S.H., Ashayerizadeh, O., Moghanlou, K.S., Manaffar, R., van Doan, H., Reverter, M., 2020. Comparative study of host-associated and commercial probiotic effects on serum and mucosal immune parameters, intestinal microbiota, digestive enzymes and growth performance of roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus) fingerlings. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 98, 661-669.

Reverter, M., Tapissier-Bontemps, N., Lecchini, D., Banaigs, B., Sasal, P., 2018. Biological and ecological roles of external fish mucus. Fishes, 3, 41.

Reverter, M., Tribalat, M-A., Pérez, T. Thomas, O.P., 2018. Metabolome variability for two Mediterranenan sponge species of the genus Haliclona: specificity, time and space. Metabolomics, 14: 114.

Jaramillo, K.B., Reverter, M., Guillen, P.O., McCormack, G., Rodriguez, J., Sinniger, F., Thomas, O.P., 2018. Assessing the zoantharian diversity of the Eastern Tropical Pacific through an integrative approach. Scientific Reports 8: 7138.

Reverter, M., Sasal, P., Tapissier-Bontemps, N., Lecchini, D., Suzuki, M, 2017. Characterisation of the gill mucus microbiome of four butterflyfish species: a reservoir of bacterial diversity in coral reefs. FEMS Microbial Ecology, 93, fix051.

Reverter, M., Cribbs, T., Cutmore, S., Bray, R., Parravicini, V., Sasal, P, 2017. Did biogeographical processes shape the monogenean community of butterflyfishes in the Tropical Indo-west Pacific region? International Journal for Parasitology, 47, 447-455.

Reverter, M., Sasal, P., Banaigs, B., Lecchini, D., Lecellier, G., Tapissier-Bontemps, N, 2017. Fish mucus metabolome reveals fish life history traits. Coral Reefs, 36, 463- 475.

Reverter, M., Bontemps, N., Sasal, P., Saulnier, D., 2017. Ch. 9. Use of medicinal plants in aquaculture. In: Austin, B., Newaj-Fyzul, A. Diagnosis and control of diseases of fish and shellfish. Wiley, Oxford, pp 223-273.

Reverter, M., Saulnier, D., David, R., Bardon-Albaret, A., Belliard, C., Bontemps, N., Lecchini, D., Sasal, P., 2016. Effects of local Polynesian plants and algae on growth and expression of two immune-related genes in orbicular batfish (Platax orbicularis). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 58, 82-88.

Reverter, M., Cutmore, S., Bray, R., Cribbs, T., Sasal, P., 2016. Gill monogeneans (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) of butterflyfishes from the tropical Indo-West Pacific Islands. Parasitology 143, 1580-1591.

Reverter, M., Pérez, T., Ereskovsky, A., Banaigs, B., 2016. Secondary metabolome variability and inducible chemical defenses in the mediterranean sponge Asplysina cavernicola. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 42, 60-70.

Reverter, M., Bontemps, N., Lecchini, D., Banaigs, B., Sasal, P., 2014. Use of plant extracts in fish aquaculture as an alternative to chemotherapy: Current status and future perspectives. Aquaculture 433, 50– 61.

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p75648
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