Hatice Sahin Ippoliti


Universität Oldenburg

Department für Informatik

Medieninformatik und Multimedia-Systeme

eMail: hatice.sahin(at)uni-oldenburg.de
Web: uol.de/seas/projects/m1

Hatice Sahin Ippoliti


Hatice Şahin Ippoliti ist Doktorandin an der Universität Oldenburg/Deutschland. Sie hat einen MSc-Abschluss in Neurokognitiver Psychologie von der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg und einen BA-Abschluss in Psychologie und Übersetzungswissenschaft von der Yeditepe Universität/Türkei. Ihre Forschung konzentriert sich auf die Interaktion zwischen gefährdeten Verkehrsteilnehmern und automatisierten Fahrzeugen sowie auf prosoziales Verhalten im Verkehr. Sie ist Mitglied des Graduiertenkollegs Social Embeddedness of Autonomous Cyber Physical Systems" (SEAS).


  • Prosoziale Interaktion zwischen verletzlichen Verkehrsteilnehmern und automatisierten Fahrzeugen
  • Externe Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen (eHMIs) 
  • Verhalten gegenüber automatisierten Fahrzeugen
  • Virtual-Reality-Experimente, Feldexperimente, Online-Befragungen und Online-Experimente
  • Auswirkungen sozialer Faktoren auf Prosozialität im Verkehr


Full Papers

Şahin İppoliti, H., Colley M., Dey D., Habibovic A., Löcken A., Matviienko A., Müller H., Sadeghian S., Wintersberger P., & Boll S. (under review) Introducing SPAT: Development and Validation of Situational Prosocial and Aggressive Behavior Perception in Traffic Scale. 

Şahin İppoliti, H., Weibert, A., Manstetten, D., & Abdenebaoui, L. (under review) Analysis of Driver and Pedestrian Gesture Use in Traffic. Automated Vehicles May Need More Than Kinematics in Ambiguous Situations. 

Şahin İppoliti, H., Daudrich, A., Dey, D., Wintersberger, P., Sadeghian, S., & Boll, S. (2023). A Real Bottleneck Scenario with a Wizard of Oz Automated Vehicle—Role of eHMIs. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 280–290.

Sahin Ippoliti, H., Trilck, N., Koelle, M., & Boll, S. (2023). Please, Go Ahead! Fostering Prosocial Driving with Sympathy-Eliciting Automated Vehicle External Displays. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(MHCI), 1–18.

Şahin, H., Hemesath, S., & Boll, S. (2022). Deviant Behavior of Pedestrians:A Risk Gamble or Just Against Automated Vehicles? How About Social Control? Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, 885319. https://doi.org/10.3389/frobt.2022.885319

Posters and Work in Progress

Şahin, H., Daudrich, K., Müller, H., & Boll, S. C. (2021). Signaling Yielding Intent with eHMIs: The Timing Determines an Efficient Crossing. 13th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 5–9. doi.org/10.1145/3473682.3480253

Şahin, H., Vöge, S., Stahr, B., Trilck, N., & Boll, S. (2021). An Exploration of Potential Factors Influencing Trust in Automated Vehicles. Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2021: 18th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 30–September 3, 2021, Proceedings, Part V 18 (pp. 364-367). Springer International Publishing.

Workshop Papers

Sahin, H., Mueller, H., Sadeghian, S., Dey, D., Löcken, A., Matviienko, A., Colley, M., Habibovic, A., & Wintersberger, P. (2021). Workshop on Prosocial Behavior in Future Mixed Traffic. 13th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 167–170.

Stojmenova Pečečnik, K., Lee, S. C., Hong, S., Schuß, M., Şahin İppoliti, H., Patel, A. R., Löcken, A., Dey, D., Riener, A., Mirnig, A. G., & Jeon, M. (2023). How to Ensure Diversity and Inclusion at Conferences? A Workshop for General Chairs, Program Committee Members, Reviewers and Authors: A Workshop for General Chairs, Program Committee Members, Reviewers and Authors. Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 241–244. https://doi.org/10.1145/3581961.3609838

Baby, T., Sahin, H., Lee, J., Zhang, Y., Yoon, S., & Lee, S. C. (2023). What Do You Expect for Your AV? The 2nd Workshop on Behaviors of Autonomous Vehicles in Ambiguous Driving Scenarios. Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 264–266. doi.org/10.1145/3581961.3609834

Lee, S. C., Sahin, H., Zhang, Y., Yoon, S. H., Lee, J., Boll, S., & Wintersberger, P. (2022). A Workshop on Driving Style of Automated Vehicles in Ambiguous Driving Scenarios. Adjunct Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 182–185. doi.org/10.1145/3544999.3550160

Honours and Awards

Heinz Neumüller Scholarship, 2023. Doctoral projects of young scientists are supported by Heinz Neumüller Foundation with 500 EUR per month for a year. The foundation sees this sponsorship as an "investment" in future managers, entrepreneurs, and scientists.

SIGCHI Development Fund, 2023. Received 10000 USD for travel and accommodation support of speakers in “Stepping Stone Panel for Global AutoUI” panel that I co-organized and moderated.

Teaching Experience

Guest Lecturing & Tutoring

Guest Lecturer, Interactive Systems (2021 - 2023), Human Capabilities: Sensory and Motor Systems

Guest Lecturer, Human-Computer Interaction (2021 - 2023), Human Capabilities: Sensory and Motor Systems

Tutor, Conversations on the Social Embeddedness of Digital Technologies (2021)

Tutor & Co-Organizer, Life in Academia (2022 - 2023)

Tutor, Essentials of fMRI data analysis with SPM and FSL (2019)

Supervised Theses

Master: Angelique Daudrich, Game of chicken with a Wizard of Oz Automated car: Repetitive exposure and external communication display effects on prosocial behavior, 2023.

Master: Nina Trilck, Exploration of empathy-eliciting eHMIs and their influence on prosocial driving behavior towards autonomous vehicles, 2022.

Bachelor: Kevin Daudrich, The Effects of Cue Timings on Interactions Between Automated Vehicles and Pedestrians in Urban Traffic​, 2021.

Supervised Group Projects

Virtual and Augmented Reality Course and Lab Winter Semester (2020, 2022)
Project groups A and B “AV Behavior 101”, 2022
Project group "Overtrust Towards Automated Vehicles", 2020
Mini project group "Prosocial Behavior in Traffic", 2020
Mini project group "Street Crossing Game", 2020

Human-Computer Interaction Lab Summer semester (2021-2023)
Mini Project Group „Wizard of Oz Delivery Robot”, 2023
Mini Project Group „This car needs help”, 2022
Project groups A and B "Encourage Sympathy for Automated Vehicles", 2021

Maker’s Lab Summer semester (2022)
Project Group: „This car is trying to tell us something”, 2022

Professional Research Activities

Conference Organization & Program Committee Memberships
Accessibility co-chair, AutomotiveUI ‘21
Accessibility co-chair, AutomotiveUI ‘23
Program Committee Member, AutomotiveUI ’23

Peer Reviewing
CHI (2023, 2024), AutomotiveUI (2021 - 2023), MobileHCI (2023), MuM (2023), MuC (2021 - 2022)

Doctoral Colloquium Attendance
AutomotiveUI (2020, 2022)

Panel Organization and Moderation
Stepping Stone Panel for Global AutoUI (2023)



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