Code of Conduct


Janina Klarmann

Janick Bartels

Code of Conduct

uniMIND groups are academic journal clubs that do not themselves represent the MIND Foundation but are an extension of the MIND network and ecosystem. uniMIND participants are required to follow both academic-institutional rules (e.g. the rules of your university) as well as MIND’s ethical code of conduct, which applies here as follows.

The sessions are designed to facilitate purely intellectual exchange and academic networking. Parties, experiential sessions, or other hedonistic activities are not part of uniMIND meetings and will not be tolerated within the context of uniMIND.

uniMIND participants are welcome to join the uniMIND Community Group on the MIND Community Platform (MCP) to continue communication and mutual support. Here, too, a sober, respectful, and reflected discussion is expected.

Although the choice of discussion topics in uniMIND sessions remains largely free, the structure of meetings, their content, and the general attitude shall serve to increase participants’ academic skills, expand and exchange knowledge, and to advance the consolidation of psychedelic research as a legitimate academic pursuit.

uniMIND group Coordinators are required to assure a factual and appropriate discussion within their groups and to exclude anyone unable or unwilling to meet these requirements.

A MIND membership is not required to participate in uniMIND.

In summary:

• Meet academic institutional and MIND’s ethical requirements
• Foster intellectual exchange and networking for the benefit of serious research
• Cultivate sober, reflected, and respectful discussion
• Purely aimed at intellectual exchange, no space for parties or other hedonistic activities

Please make sure that you read and agree to this Code of Conduct.

Thank you for being here! Your uniMIND-Team

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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