

Kai Siedenburg

Workshop Introduction

Kai Siedenburg, Michel Bürgel, Robin Hake, Aravindan Benjamin, Simon Jacobsen

Introduction of Music Perception and Processing Lab

Deniz Baskent, Keynote

What have we learned from musicians research?

Chris Plack, Keynote

The effects of age on pitch and harmony perception

Alinka Greasley

Characterising levels of hearing loss affect music listening with hearing aids

Sina Tahmasebi

Optimization of Sound Coding Strategies to Make Singing Music More Accessible for CI

Ulrike Frischen

Short-term Effects of Listening to Music on Breathing

Stine Alpheis

Trauma, Stress & Musician's Dystonia

Chi Yun Lo & Frank A. Russo

To what extent can group-based music support health

Trevor R. Agus

Precision Perceptual Engineering to Enhance Television Soundtracks

Jonas Althoff

How do cochlear implant users remix instrumental classical music

Hendrik Kayser

The open Master Hearing Aid Platform

David Sears

Harmonic Priming and Temporal Order: Evidence from Aphasia

Franziska Degé

Musical development across lifespan

Martin Bleichner

Individual sound perception in everyday life

Niels Henrik Pontoppidan

Noise exposure from leisure noise compared to other noise sources

Omid Kokabi

Calculating ecologically valid sound dose estimations on consumer electronic devices

Samuel Couth

The Song Remains the Same

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