Keynote Presentations

Keynote Presentations

Deniz Baskent (University of Groningen)

What have we learned from musicians research? How can we use it for auditory training for hearing impaired individuals?

Bio: Deniz Başkent studied Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, and a desire to work more closely with people steered her towards hearing aids and cochlear implants. Deniz loves studying everything about hearing, its development, its impairments, its interaction with perception and cognition and comprehension. Deniz also loves singing together with others. In her current position at the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands, Deniz was lucky to be able to bring together all her passions together. Her research team (dB SPL) includes great diverse expertise from audiology, otology, psycholinguistics, psychology, and music cognition, and even robotics. By combining all of the skills and expertise, dB SPL aims to unravel intricacies of perceptual and cognitive mechanisms of hearing and how these are altered with hearing impairment and hearing device processing, in a diverse group of populations (children, geriatric). dB SPL also aims to provide better ways of clinical and research testing, with increased engagement, using, for example, music training or robot interfaces. And last but not least, dB SPL actively supports the long tradition of the Music Night of the Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP) via the Groningen Rainbows.

Chris Plack (University of Manchester)

The effects of age on pitch and harmony perception

Bio: Chris Plack was educated at Christ’s College, University of Cambridge, where he obtained a BA in Natural Sciences in 1987 and a PhD in 1990, specialising in psychoacoustics. He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow for two years at the University of Minnesota, and for two years at the University of Sussex, before being awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in 1994. He moved to the University of Essex in 1998, and was promoted to Chair in 2001. He moved again to Lancaster University in 2005, before obtaining his present position of Ellis Llwyd Jones Professor of Audiology at the University of Manchester in 2008. He is also currently Professor of Auditory Neuroscience at Lancaster University. Chris Plack has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, 12 book chapters, an introductory textbook on hearing, and two volumes as lead editor. In 2003 he was elected a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America.

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