International Hearing Instrument Developers Forum

International Hearing Instrument Developers Forum

Thank you for your participation in the 20th International Hearing Instrument Developers Forum which was held from
June 1st - 2nd, 2023, Oldenburg, Germany

CvO University of Oldenburg

Research Buildung NeSSy (W30)
Küpkersweg 74, 26129 Oldenburg

in cooperation with


The international Forum for Hearing Instrument Developers is a meeting for scientists, engineers, clinicians and managers involved in developing the system technology for hearing instruments. It hosts approx. 60-90 individuals (on invitation only) mostly from universities, research institutions and the industry. The current meeting is the tenth in a series of biannual conferences that started in 2003 at the "House of Hearing" in Oldenburg/Germany.

The invited plenary lectures will provide a view into future trends and perspectives. The parallel sessions will cover aspects of hardware, algorithms and audiology of hearing aids that will be introduced by short impulse presentations (approx. 15-20 minutes) followed by intense discussions in a small group of experts (approx. 15-25 per session). These impulse lectures should provide a view on some of the "hot topics" of the parallel discussion rounds.

The conference will be a low-budget conference (i.e., no conference fee, organization and meals sponsored by the cluster of excellence “Hearing4all” and its translational research centre (run by Hörzentrum Oldenburg gGmbH) with support from the hearing aid companies audifon GmbH, GNResound, Sonova, Starkey Hearing Technology.

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