


Istanbul-Oldenburg Critical Theory Conference: History, Progress, Critique

Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Building A 7, Foyer

9:30-10:00    Registration

Building A7, Hörsaal G (0-030)

10.00-10:30  Welcoming Address by Volkan Çıdam, Gaye Demiryol, Zeynep Gambetti, Philip Hogh and Julia König

10.30-12.30  Keynote Address: Estelle Ferrarese (Université de Picardie Jules Vernes, Amiens): Vulnerability, Concern for Others and the March of History

12.30-13.30  Lunch Break


Buildings A6 and A7


13.30-15.30  Parallel Panels - I


Critical History and Capitalism

A7 0-025


Intellectual History of Critical Theory

A 7 0-031

Chair: Volkan Çıdam

Which Progress is Progressive?

A6 0-001

Chair: Claudia Perrone

Yasmin Afshar (University of Sao Paolo): Governing Through Conflict: On Adorno's Critique of the Conception Progress in the Konflikttheorie

Niklas  Angebauer (Carl von Ossietzky University): Property and Critical Theory: Past, present, futures

Ulrich Matthias Gerr (Carl von Ossietzky University): Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism in the framework of Benjamin's critique of Progress

Jessica Tupova Feely (Kingston University): History, Social Psychology, and the Immanet Critique of Bourgeois Society: A return to Horheimer's Early Critical Theory?

Victor Kempf (Humboldt University): The Party of Progress. Lukács and the political

Alexander Neupert-Doppler (IASS, Potsdam): Kairos - Paul Tillichs philosophy of history and its influence on Critical Theory

Elizabeth Portella (University of Oregon): On Continuity and Discontinuity: ‘Negative Universal History,’ Decolonization, and the Philosophy of History

Andrea Messner (Humboldt University): PRO-GRESS / PRO-LEAP Walter Benjamin's notion of a present-centered non-processual “progress”

Marcus Döller (Max-Weber-Kolleg, Erfurt): Progress as Regress in Social Change


15.30-16.00 Coffee Break


Buildings A6 and A7


16.00-18.00  Parallel Panels - 2


History, Nature, Animality

A 7 0-025

Chair: Sebastian Tränkle

Slavery and Counter-Memory

A7 0-031

Chair: Karin Stögner

Yasin Buğra (Bogazici University Istanbul): The Vile Coachman and the Horse: A Snapshot of Progress from Adorno's Bestiary

Matthias Rudolph (Humboldt University) : Doubting the power of immanent forces. Adorno’s and Marcuse’s critique of determinate negation

Ryan Crawford (Webster Vienna Private University): Natural History and Society in Benjamin and Adorno

Henrike Kohpeiss (Free University Berlin) Progressive Speculations - Slavery, Jetztzeit and History Beyond Event

Silvia Pierosara (University of Macerata): Critical Theory, Emancipation, Hope: Memories as Counter-Narratives

Niklas Plaetzer (University of Chicago): Creolizing Ideologiekritik: Marronage against Universalism in Édouard Glissant's Critical Theory


Building A7, Foyer and Garden


18.00-22.00  Reception


Friday, September 13, 2019


Buildings A6 and A7


10.00-12.00  Parallel Panels -3


Hegel and Adorno

A7 0-025

Chair: Volkan Çıdam

Critique and Revolution

A7 0-031

Chair: Önder Özden

Art, History, Emancipation

A6 0-001


Marie Louise Krogh (Kingston University): Traces of Worlds: The Universality of Hegel’s allgemeine Weltgeschichte and Adornian Negative Universalgeschichte

Robert Ziegelmann (Humboldt University): Looking forward to looking backward. Progress as ideal and as ‘fact’ in Critical Theory

Joel Bock (DePaul University): Liberation from the Constraints of Nature or Enslavement to the Machine? Technology as a Historical Moment in the Philosophies of Hegel and Adorno

Helena Esther Grass (Goethe University Frankfurt): Negativity and Critique. How to find “the Better”  within “the Worst”

Vangelis Giannakakis (University of Dublin): May ’68 and Adorno, theoretical refractions in the time of revolt


Svenja Bromberg (Goldsmiths, University of London): Rethinking emancipation with and beyond its modern roots

Sara-Maria Walker (Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien): Unconscious Writing of History in Adorno

Louis Hartnoll (Kingston University): Art and Architectural History out of the Margins: Reading Walter Benjamin with Carl Linfert



12.00-13.30  Lunch Break


Building A7, Hörsaal G (0-030)


13.30-15.30  Keynote Address: Rahel Jaeggi (Humboldt University Berlin): tba


15.30-16.00  Coffee Break


Buildings A6 and A7


16.00-18.45  Paralell Panels - 4


Benjaminian Images

A7 0-025

Chair: Niklas Plaetzer

Dialectical Models

A7 0-031

Chair: Jan Müller

Claudia Perrone University of Santa Maria) and Rose Gurski (University Federal of Rio Grande do Sul): Psychoanalysis and Walter Benjamin: the critical threshold of dreaming and awakening

Karin Stögner (University of Vienna): Walter Benjamin, Subjecitivity, and Gender – The Eternal Recurrence as a Collective Dream of Modernity

Isette Schuhmacher (Humboldt University): History is being made: Dialectics at a standstill and the quest for emancipation

Charlotte Trottier (University of Leipzig): On the monadological structure of Walter Benjamin’s dialectcal image and its meaning for the access towards his category of progress

Plamen Andreev (Essex University): To give history its due and thereby to cheat it: Adorno and Horkheimer’s cunning in the Dialectic of Enlightenment

Antoine Athanassiadis (University College, Dublin): On fear, self-preservation, and consciousness: or the possibility of a critical attitude in the Dialectic of Enlightenment

Sebastian Tränkle (Free University, Berlin): Le prix du progrès. On the Nexus of Philosophy of History, Negative Anthropology and Critique of Language

Julia König (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz): The Primacy of the Object in Critical Historical Research



Saturday, September 14, 2019


Buildings A6 and A7


10.00-12.00  Parallel Panels - 5


Technology and New Temporalities

A7 0-025


Evil, Fear, Exclusion

A7 0-031


Suffering in History

A6 0-001

Chair: Isette Schuhmacher

Celine Righi (London School of Economics): Advent of the ‘continuous improvement’ model of production in a design-oriented society: a peculiar Form of Life

Eleonora Cugini (Padova University): Towards a Critique of Artifical Intelligence: Ethics, Normativity, Freedom

Muhannad Hariri (University College Dublin): Radical Evil and Progress as Dialogue

Philipp Idel (Carl von Ossietzky University): History as social reproduction of fear. A key motif in Theodor W. Adorno's philosophy of history

Johannes Siegmund (Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna): Paradox of the untimely refugee

Nadja Meisterhans (JKU Linz): Desire and Critique in times of authoritarian backlashs. Perspectives of a Psychoanalytical Critical Theory.

Volkan Çıdam (Boğaziçi University): Adorno’s critical appropriation of Benjamin’s Notion of progress: “Progress occurs where it ends.”

Phillip Hogh (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg): Pain and Progress. Adorno’s natural history of suffering


12.00-13.00  Lunch Break







Buildings A6 and A7


13.00-15.00  Parallel Panels - 6


Forms of Life, Forms of Immanence

A7 0-025


Plural Temporalities

A7 0-031


Karen Saavedra Escobar (Leipzig University): Between systemic determinations and subjective power. Social reproduction narratives in the search for ‘Immanent Transcendence’

Jan Müller (Universität Basel): For better or worse“: The idea of „progress“ in understanding forms of life

Önder Özden (Institut für Sozialforschung): A Better Form of life? Progress Between Jaeggi and Agamben


Annemarihe Hagen (KU Leuven): Political action as the Demonstration of Equality: Re-enacting an open future

Ville Suuronen (University of Helsinki): Forget progress, forget causality! Reflections on method in the thought of Hannah Arendt



15.00-15.30  Coffee Break


Building A7, Hörsaal G (0-030)


15.30-17.30 Keynote Address: Sonja Buckel (University of Kassel): tba


17.30-18.00  Closing Adress


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