Prof. Dr. Sabine Hess

Prof. Dr. Sabine Hess

Prof. Dr. Sabine Hess

Prof. Dr. Sabine Hess, is professor at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology, Göttingen, since 2011. Her main areas of research and teaching are migration and border regime studies, anthropology of globalization and transnationalism, anthropology of policy with a focus on EU integration and processes of Europeanisation, gender studies and anthropological methodologies.

She wrote her PhD thesis on transnational migration of Slovakian women into domestic work at the Frankfurt institute for Cultural Anthropology (published as “Globalised domestic work. Au-pair as migrational strategy of Eastern European Women”(2005)); She was coordinator of and researcher in the European wide research- and film-project “TRANSIT MIGRATION” founded by the Cultural Foundation of Germany (2003- 2005) and curated two interdisciplinary research and exhibition projects “Crossing Munich. Places, images and discussions on migration in Munich” (2007-2009) and “Movements of Migration. A knowledge archive on migration in Göttingen” (2011-2013). At Göttingen university she coordinates the interdisciplinary “Laboratory on migration and border regime studies”. She is co-founder of the interdisciplinary European-wide “Network for Critical Migration- and Border-Regime Research” (kritnet) and member of the German wide “Rat für Migration” (Council for migration).



Grenzregime. Diskurse, Praktiken, Institutionen in Europa [Border Regimes. Discourse, Praxis, Institutions in Europe] (ed. with B. Kasparek). Assoziation A. Berlin, 2010

How gendered is the European Migration Policy. A feminist analyses of the “anti-trafficking-dispostif”. In: Ethnologia Europaea: Special Issue. Imagined Families in Mobile Worlds, Vol. 42 (2012) No. 2, 51-68

De-naturalising transit migration. Theory and Methods of an Ethnographic Regime Analysis. In: POPULATION, SPACE AND PLACE: Special Issue: Critical Approaches to Transit Migration. Volume 18 (2012) Issue 4, 428–440 

“We are facilitating states”. An ethnographic Policy-Analysis of the ICMPD. In: Geiger, M. (ed.): The Politics of International Migration Management. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 96-119

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