Dieses Projekt wird gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – Projektnummer 352015383 – SFB 1330.
Das SFB-Kolloquium findet - sofern nicht anders angegeben - dienstags, 14:15 -16:00 Uhr im Wechsel mit dem Departmentskolloquium statt.
Zusätzlich werden die meisten Vorträge im Videokonferenzraum des Departmentkolloqiums übertragen:
PIN: 942869
Wintersemester 2024/2025
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladende/r |
15.10.2024 | NESSY W30-0-33/34 | Microphone Array Signal Processing and Optimization Algorithms: Toward Augmented Human Hearing | Prof. Taishi Nakashima (Tokyo Metropolitan University) and Prof. Kouei Yamaoka (University of Tokyo) | Simon Doclo (DMPA) |
12.11.2024 | online | Towards a better understanding of earplug comfort | Michael Vorländer (A4) | |
26.11.2024 | NESSY W30-0-33/34 + online | Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning-Based Methods for Speech Enhancement | Veranika Boukun, Jiatong Li, and Ruben Johnson | Steven van de Par (B2) |
03.12.2024 | NESSY W30-0-33/34 | Enhancing Magnetic Resonance Imaging: From Model-Based Reconstruction to Machine Learning | Dr. Mariya Doneva (Philips Innovative Technologies, Hamburg) | Simon Doclo, Gerald Enzner (DMPA)/IEEE Signal Processing Society Germany Chapter |
17.12.2024 | NESSY W30-0-33/34 + online | Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) | Prof. Inga Holube (Jade Hochschule, Oldenburg) | Thomas Brand, Jan Rennies (A1)/ Kirsten Wagener (C4) |
07.01.2025 | NESSY W30-0-33/34 | AI4Health - Interpretable and explainable learning algorithms | Prof. Nils Strodthoff (UOL) | Simon Doclo (DMPA) |
28.01.2025 | NESSY W30-0-33/34 | Towards auditory immersion in VR/AR/gaming: acoustic modelling of complex room geometries | Prof. Enzo de Sena (University of Surrey, UK) | Stephan Ewert (C5) |
29.01.2025 (Mittwoch!, 10:15 Uhr) | NESSY W30-0-33/34 | Machine Learning for Acoustic Scene Analysis | Prof. Tuomas Virtanen (Tampere University, Finland) | Simon Doclo (DMPA)/IEEE Signal Processing Society Germany Chapter |
Sommersemester 2024
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
04.04.2024 (Donnerstag!) 16:15 Uhr | W30-0-033/034 | Unsupervised uncertainty measures of automatic speech recognition for non-intrusive speech intelligibility prediction | Dr. Ning Ma (University of Sheffield) | Bernd Meyer (C6) |
09.04.2024 | W2-1-148 + online | Measuring continuous listening effort (and speech intelligibiity) in dynamic acoustic scenes / | Martin Berdau, Julia Thomas (UOL & Fraunhofer IDMT) | Jan Rennies / Thomas Brand (A1) |
15.04.2024 (Montag)! 10:15 Uhr! | W30-0-033/034 + online | Using and comprehending language in face-to-face interaction | Judith Holler (Donders Institute at Radboud University and Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NL) | Volker Hohmann (B1) |
07.05.2024 | online! | Dynamische Schallquellen für die virtuelle akustische Realität: Beschreibung, Implementierung und Bewertung | David Ackermann (TU Berlin) | Kai Siedenburg (A6) |
28.05.2024 | W30-0-033/034 | On the Design of Differential Kronecker Product Beamformers | Dr. Gal Itzhak (Technion, Israel) | Simon Doclo (B2) |
04.06.2024 | W30-0-033/034 + online | Improvement of bone conduction microphone quality and intelligibility | Julien Richard (Institut franco-allemand de recherches de Saint-Louis) | Simon Doclo (C1) |
Wintersemester 2023/2024
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
28.11.2023, 14:15-15:45 | W30-0-33/34 + online | Multichannel speech enhancement: from ad-hoc arrays toward hearings aids | Prof. Romain Serizel (Université de Lorraine / INRIA, France) | Simon Doclo (B2) |
29.11.2023, 10:15-11:45 | W30-0-33/34 + online | Hearing the Walls of a Room: When Signal Processing and Machine Learning Meet Acoustics | Dr. Antoine Deleforge (Université de Lorraine / INRIA, France) | Simon Doclo (B2) |
19.12.2023 | online | Modeling auditory spatial processing for realistic binaural virtual acoustics | Doz. Dr. Piotr Majdak (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) | Matthias Blau (C1) |
16.01.2024, 17:00 Uhr (!) | W30-0-33/34 + online | Optimisation of hearing devices (self-)adjustment utilizing model based and psychophysical experiments | Jonathan Gößwein (Fraunhofer HSA) | Birger Kollmeier (C4) |
23.01.2023 | W30-0-33/34 + online | Diffusion models for speech enhancement | Julius Richter, Bunlong Lay (Signal Processing Group, Dept. of Informatics, University of Hamburg) | Jörn Anemüller (B3) |
Sommersemester 2023 - Nachtrag
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
23.08.2023 | W30-0-027/28 + BBB | Diffraction modeling for scattering objects with non-rigid surfaces | Peter Svensson | Stephan Ewert (C5) |
29.09.2023 | ICBM W15 1-146 | Extending human auditory ecology to the perception of natural soundscapes by humans | Christian Lorenzi | Stephan Ewert |
Sommersemester 2023
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
11.04.2023 | W2-1-148 + online | Fundamental aspects of the Situated Phoneme (SiP) Test - lexical control, masking method, test score modelling, and significance testing | Erik Witte (Örebro University, Sweden) | Thomas Brand (A1) |
18.04.2023 | W2-1-148 + online | Alleviating speech-on-speech masking by informed speaker separation – Instrumental and experimental evaluations | Ragini Sinha (Fraunhofer HSA Oldenburg) | Jan Rennies-Hochmuth |
25.04.2023 | online | An overview of the HASPI and HASQI metrics for predicting speech intelligibility and speech quality for normal hearing, hearing loss, and hearing aids | James Kates (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder) | Thomas Biberger (A2) |
02.05.2023 | W2-1-148 + online | Selected audio projects at the lab in Hannover at the Institut für Kommunikationstechnik | Jürgen Peissig (Leibniz Universität Hannover) | Michael Vorländer (A4) |
16.05.2023 | W2-1-148 + online | Motion behavior during audio-visual scene analysis in virtual multi-talker environments | Valeska Slomianka (DTU Denmark) | Giso Grimm (B1) |
23.05.2023 | W2-1-148 + online | Extending the possibilities of auditory psychophysics with massive online experiments | Nori Jacoby (MPI for Empirical Aesthetics Frankfurt) | Mathias Dietz (DMPA) |
30.05.2023 | online | Restoring music perception in cochlear implant listeners with good vibrations | Jeremy Marozeau (Hearing Systems, DTU) | Kai Siedenburg (A6) |
06.06.2023 | W2-1-148 + online | A two-stage CNN with feature reduction for speech-aware binaural DOA estimation | Reza Varzandeh (UOL) | Volker Hohmann (B2) |
04.07.2023 | W2-1-148 | Translating spatial hearing assessments to the clinic | Abigail Anne Kressner (DTU Denmark) | Anna Warzybok-Oetjen (A5) |
Wintersemester 2022/2023
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
31.01.2023 | W2 1-148 + online | Deep machine learning in audiology: Models of speech perception | Jana Roßbach & Bernd Meyer | Bernd Meyer (C6) |
23.01.2023 (Montag!) 14:15 | online | How the type of sound reflections in rooms affects the spatial appraisal of a speech source and its intelligibility | Nicola Prodi (Universita degli studi di Ferrara) | Bernhard Seeber (C5) |
17.01.2023 | online | Room acoustic modeling and where is it going? | Lauri Savioja | Stephan Ewert (C5) |
10.01.2023 | W2-1-148 + online | Realization and evaluation of audio for Mixed Reality environments - An overview of the current activities in Ilmenau | Annika Neidhardt (TU Ilmenau) | Manan Lamba (A4) |
20.12.2022 | kein Vortrag | |||
13.12.2022 | Vortrag fällt aus | (University of Nottingham) | (C4) | |
06.12.2022 | kein Vortrag | |||
29.11.2022 | W2 1-148 + online | Numerical parameter estimation in ear canal acoustics | Nick Wulbusch (Uni Oldenburg) | Matthias Blau (C1) |
22.11.2022, 15:00 Uhr! | W30-033/034 + online | An open data platform for multiple use of medical data & clinical decision support | Antje Wulff (Uni Oldenburg) | DMPA / Mathias Dietz |
15.11.2022 | W2 1-148 + online | Evolutionary variational optimization for probabilistic unsupervised learning | Jakob Drefs (Uni Oldenburg) | Jörg Lücke (B2) |
09.11.2022 (Mittwoch, 10:15 Uhr!) | W30-033/034 + online | Using reverse correlation to study speech perception & Auditory perception of natural soundscapes | Lėo Varnet & Christian Lorenzi (Ecole normale supérieure, Université PSL) | Steven van de Par & Stephan Ewert |
01.11.2022 | online | Psychophysiological correlates of listening effort: Markers, outcomes, or concomitants? | Michael Richter (Liverpool John Moores University) | Kirsten Wagener (C4) |
25.10.2022 | W2 1-148 + online | Joint speech detection and localization for hearing aids using deep-learning methods | Peyman Goli (Uni Oldenburg) | Steven van de Par (B2) |
18.10.2022 | W2 1-148 + online | Low-delay periodicity analysis and synthesis | Volker Hohmann (Uni Oldenburg) | Steven van de Par (B2) |
Sommersemester 2022 - Nachtrag
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
13.09.2022 | W30-0-027/28 + BBB | Hearing in a social context | Lauren Hadley (University of Nottingham) | Giso Grimm (B1) |
Sommersemester 2022
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
19.07.2022 | W30-0-33 + virtuell | Modeling temporal information encoding in the healthy and synaptopathic auditory nerve | Enrique Lopez-Poveda (University of Salamanca, Spain) | Birger Kollmeier |
12.07.2022 | W30-3-324 + virtuell | A unitary model of auditory frequency change perception | Kai Siedenburg (UOL) | Kai Siedenburg (A6) |
21.06.2022 | virtuell | Bringing the real life into the lab: Experiments on auditory selective attention using virtual acoustics | Janina Fels (RWTH Aachen) | Volker Hohmann (B1) |
07.06.2022 | verschoben | |||
31.05.2022 | kein Vortrag | |||
17.05.2022 | virtuell | Speech intelligibility prediction with hybrid auditory model- and ML-based methods: The best of two worlds? | Birger Kollmeier (UOL) | Birger Kollmeier (A4) |
10.05.2022 | nur virtuell | Perceptual similarity between piano notes: Simulations with a template-based perception model | Alejandro Osses (ENS, Paris) | Thomas Biberger (A2) |
03.05.2022 | nur virtuell | Speech-on-speech masking | Virginia Best (Boston U) | Jan Rennies-Hochmuth (A1) |
26.04.2022 | W2-1-148 + virtuell | The challenge of predicting binaural speech intelligibility and measuring listening fatigue | Ewald Strasser, Thomas Brand | Thomas Brand (A1) |
Sommersemester 2021
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
13.07.2021 | virtuell | Perceptual analysis of spatial auditory scenes in virtual reality | Axel Ahrens (DTU) | Bernhard Seeber (C5) |
06.07.2021 | virtuell | Modeling radiation and scattering with edge diffraction | Peter U. Svensson (Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU, Norway) | Stephan Ewert (C5) |
verschoben auf Wintersemester 2021/22 | Julia Schütze (C4) | |||
22.06.2021 | virtuell | Optimizing hearing healthcare system response to patient’s needs via the ICF core sets for hearing loss: what has been done, where we are, and the future direction | Razan Alfakir (Auburn University, Alabama, USA)
| Tahereh Afghah (C4) |
01.06.2021 | virtuell | Audio reproduction in non-optimal acoustical environments | Ali Fallah (UOL) | Steven van de Par (C2) |
18.05.2021 | virtuell | Individualization of HRTFs based on anthropometric features | Fabian Brinkmann, Stefan Weinzierl (TU Berlin) | Matthias Blau (C1) |
11.05.2021 Uhrzeit: | virtuell | Spatial augmented/mixed reality audio for hearables: recent works in applying AI and DSP for real sound sensing and control | Woon-Seng Gan (NTU, Singapore) | Simon Doclo (C1) |
03.05.2021 (Montag, 16.00 !) | virtuell | Neuroscience-inspired analysis and visualization of convolutional speech recognition models | Andreas Krug, Sebastian Stober (OVGU Magdeburg) | Jörn Anemüller (B3) |
27.04.2021 | virtuell | Investigating speech perception with cochlear implants in both directions: Effects of simulated channel interactions and removal of background noise using machine learning | Tobias Goehring (U Cambridge) | Mathias Dietz (B4) |
verschoben auf 03.05.21 |
Wintersemester 2020/2021
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
02.02.2021 | virtuell | Robust binaural sound localisation using raw waveforms | Ning Ma (University of Sheffield, UK) | Simon Doclo (B2) |
26.01.2021 | virtuell | 1) Speech-aware DOA estimation using CNNs 2) Glimpse formation based on local feature contrasts and spectro-temporal context | 1) Reza Varzandeh 2) Steven van de Par (Sarinah Sutojo) | Steven van de Par (B2) |
19.01.2021 | virtuell | Clarity Challenge - Machine learning challenges for hearing devices | Jon Barker (University of Sheffield, UK) | Volker Hohmann (B1) |
22.12.2020 | virtuell | Ecological validity and the selection of scenarios for laboratory testing | Karolina Smeds (Office of Research in Clinical Amplification, Europe, Widex A/S, Sweden) | Anna Warzybok (A5) |
15.12.2020 | virtuell | Presynaptic cytoskeleton dynamics impact signal transmission at an central auditory synapse | Christian Keine (UOL) | Birger Kollmeier (A4) |
08.12.2020 | virtuell | Modelling of bone conduction hearing | Stefan Stenfelt (Linköping University, Sweden) | Birger Kollmeier (A4) |
24.11.2020 | virtuell | Development and applications of a virtual listener in (virtual) complex acoustic scenes | Marc-Rene Schädler (UOL) | Marc-Rene Schädler (A3) |
17.11.2020 | virtuell | Internal noise in auditory modulation detection | Christian Lorenzi (ENS, Paris) | Stephan Ewert (A2) |
03.11.2020 | virtuell | Hearing impairment and individual variability in modelling binaural speech intelligibility | Mathieu Lavandier (Universite de Lyon) | Brand, Rennies (A1) |
27.10.2020 | virtuell | Data and models about binaural aspects of intelligibility and listening effort | Brand, Rennies & Co | Brand, Rennies (A1) |
Wintersemester 2019/2020
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
14.02.2020 10:15-10:45 | W30-0-027/28 | Contribution of listener translation to the perceived externalization in binaural reproduction | Manan Lamba (TU Ilmenau - Fraunhofer IDMT) | |
21.01.2020 | The evaluation of rhythm and pitch perception correlation with the sound source location in horizontal plane in a cocktail party scenario | Tahereh Afghah (USC San Diego) | Volker Hohmann | |
17.12.2019 | W2 1-148 | Electric stimulation of auditory nerve fibers. Modelling and Measurements | Werner Hemmert (TU München) | Mathias Dietz |
Vorherige Semester
Datum | Ort | Titel | Referent/in | Einladene/r |
Dienstag, 17.09.2019, 16:00-18:00 | W30-0-033/34 | Einfluss gerätebedingter Laufzeitunterschiede auf die Lokalisationsfähigkeit bimodaler CI-/HG-Träger | Stefan Zirn (Hochschule Offenburg) | Volker Hohmann |
Freitag, 08.02.2019 10:15-11:45 | W30-0-033/34 | Entwicklung und Evaluation von Deep-Neural-Network-Systemen zur Schallquellenlokalisation mittels Mikrofon-Arrays | Hendrik Schoof | Jörn Anemüller |
Freitag, 30.11.2018 10:15-11:45 | W30-0-033/34 | Binaural masking level differences (BMLD) - Daten und Modellideen | Kristin Bracklo | Birger Kollmeier, Mathias Dietz |