Vertreter_Innen 2024/25


Tel.: 0441/798-2673 
Fax: 0441/798-3164 


AstA Trakt Raum M1-164 
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg 
Uhlhornsweg 49-55 
D-26111 Oldenburg 
Lageplan des HGAS (jpg-Datei) 


Hochschulgruppe ausländischer StudentInnen 
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg 
Uhlhornsweg 49-55 
D-26111 Oldenburg

Vertreter_Innen 2024/25

International Student Representatives of University of Oldenburg

Fazel, Hedayat
(Finance Manager, Students Representative 24/25)
(MSc Student of Neurocognitive Psychology – WiSe2022):
"I see HGAS as a resource to help international students make the most of their studies as well as a place to share their cultures and customs."

Asadi Khomami, Talayeh
(IT Woman, Students Representative 24/25)
(MSc Student of Engineering of Socio-Technical Systems – WiSe2022):
"HGAS is a haven for international students to unite and support our global community. I hope to make a meaningful impact on this journey!"

Katouli, Tannaz
(Students Representative 24/25)
(MSc student of Sustainable Renewable Energy Technology (SuRE) - WiSe2022):
"My goal in HGAS is to foster empathy and friendship among students from diverse nationalities, ensuring that everyone feels a sense of equality and unity. I believe that with courage, we can create a supportive environment where every voice is heard and valued."

Momenifar, Azadeh
(Students Representative 24/25)
(MSc student of European Master in Renewable Energy (EUREC) - WiSe2022):
"My goal in HGAS is to advocate for international students, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs met. With my multicultural background, I aim to foster an inclusive community and enhance our collective experience.”

Ashish George Jakob
(Students Representative 24/25)

(Stand: 18.07.2024)  | 
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