Prof. Dr. Lisa Rosen
Prof. Dr. Lisa Rosen
Prof. Dr. Lisa Rosen
Since 2015, Prof. Dr. Lisa Rosen is a Professor of Education in Migration Society (Intercultural Education) at the Institute of Educational Science of the University of Osnabrück as well as Member of the Institute of Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS). Her main areas of research and teaching are youth, family, gender and migration, intercultural and inclusive education, pedagogical professionality and migration related multilingualism, qualitative educational research and in particular biographical research and ethnography.
From 2013 to 2015, she was the speaker of the Centre for Diversity Studies (CEDIS) of the University of Cologne and has been a (founding) member of the competence field SINTER (Social Inequalities and Intercultural Education) within the frame of the Excellence Initiative of the University of Cologne since 2014. In addition, she is Co- Convenor of Network 7 „Social Justice and Intercultural Education“ of the European Educational Research Association (EERA). In 2009 she was awarded her PhD with a biographical study on narrative identities of educationally disadvantaged migrants (University of Cologne), and completed various field study visits in Montreal, Canada und Athens, Greece in 2014.
For further information see
Selected Publications:
Lengyel, Drorit & Rosen, Lisa (Eds.) (2015): Minority teachers in different educational contexts – Recent studies from three German-speaking countries. Tertium Comparationis – Journal für International und Interkulturell Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft, Vol. 21, No. 2
Ottersbach, Markus; Platte, Andrea & Rosen, Lisa (Hg., 2016): Soziale Ungleichheiten als Herausforderung für inklusive Bildung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag (Reihe interkulturelle Studien).
Rosen, Lisa (2011): „In der fünften Klasse, das war dann … wirklich so, dass … wir erst mal unter Türken gewesen sind.” Eine biografieanalytische Studie zu Identitätskonstruktionen bildungsbenachteiligter Migrant(inn)en. Berlin: verlag irena regener.