

Preliminary Program

Monday, November 21, 2022

12:00 Welcome and Overview Talk Birger Kollmeier Oldenburg
12:20 Contributed Talk  Merle Gerken: Loudness Perception Prediction of Realistic Signals for Listeners with Normal and Impaired Hearing Oldenburg
12:40 Contributed Talk  Stephan Ewert: Acoustic and auditory models for complex environments Oldenburg
13:00 Poster Introduction Talks (2 min) Mie Jørgensen: Investigating the Effect of High-Frequency Amplification as Tinnitus Treatment Lyngby
    Punitkumar Makani: A Combined Image- and Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis of Whole-Brain Voxel-Based Morphometry Studies Investigating Subjective Tinnitus Groningen
    Vassilis Pelekanos: Developing methodology for evaluating acoustic radiation white matter integrity in the UK Biobank imaging data Nottingham
    Miguel Temboury: Age-related Peripheral Degeneration Reflected in Frequency Following Responses using Electrocochleography Lyngby
    Nicole Miller-Viacava: Categorisation of biological sounds in pristine soundscapes: A psychophysical investigation based on an ecologically-valid database Paris
    Julian Schott: Electrically evoked auditory steady state response detection in cochlear implant recipients using a system identification approach Leuven
    Bernhard Eurich: Lower interaural coherence in off-signal bands impairs binaural detection Oldenburg
    Samira Saak: Comparison of user interfaces for measuring the matrix test on a smartphone Oldenburg
    Janin Benecke: The self-efficacy of hearing-aid self-adjustment: a sound-matching study  Nottingham
13:30 Lunch break    
14:00 Poster Session and VR-Demo Session    
15:15 Overview Talk Enrique Lopez-Poveda Salamanca
15:30 Contributed Talk  Sónia L. Coelho de Sousa: The effect of cochlear synaptopathy on adaptation to noise Salamanca
15:50 Contributed Talk  David López Ramos: Adaptation to noise in the detection of spectral, temporal and spectro-temporal modulations Salamanca
16:10 coffe break    
16:25 Overview Talk Leo Varnet Paris
16:40 Contributed Talk  Alejandro Osses: Using reverse correlation to study individual perception: Including an auditory model in the experimental design loop Paris
17:00 Poster Introduction Talks II (2 min) Shahin Safazadeh: Higher Auditory Cortical Evoked-Response to Low-Frequency sounds in Tinnitus: An fMRI Study Groningen
    Ingvi Örnolfsson: Towards an objective metric for assessing communication ability Lyngby
    Niels Overby: Combined speech enhancement and dynamic range compression Lyngby
    Sigrid Polspoel: Word Lists for Speech Audiometry: A Comparison Between Human and Synthetic Speech Amsterdam
    Iustina Rotaru: Decoding the locus of auditory attention from EEG in a multi-talker audio-visual experiment Leuven
    Julia Schütze: Comparison of speech intelligibility in a real and a virtual living room Oldenburg
    Rahel Bertschinger: Feasibility of Extracochlear Stimulation to Induce Hearing and Reduce Tinnitus Zürich
    Kristin Sprenger: Modeling the effect of sentence context on word recognition in noisy and reverberated listening conditions for listeners with and without hearing loss Oldenburg
    Monica Hegde: Perceptual weighting of acoustic cues for speech processing during the first year of life Paris
17:15 Poster Session    
18:00 Overview Talk Norbert Dillier Zürich
18:15 Contributed Talk  Leanne Sijgers: Assessing Neural Health in Cochlear Implant Users with Residual Acoustic Hearing Using ECAP Amplitude Growth Functions Zürich

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

08:00 Board Meeting    
08:15 Poster Session    
09:30 Overview Talk Torsten Dau Lyngby
09:45 Contributed Talk  Helia Relaño-Iborra: Towards predicting individual differences in the speech perception of hearing-impaired listeners Lyngby
10:05 Contributed Talk  Ingvi Örnolfsson: Towards an objective metric for assessing communication ability Lyngby
10:25 Overview Talk Robin Gransier Leuven
10:40 Contributed Talk  Mira van Wilderode: Listening while standing: does multitasking change performance?  Leuven
11:00 Contributed Talk  Wouter David: Phase-locked responses to parameterized speech envelopes Leuven
11:20 Coffee break    
11:35 Overview Talk Cas Smits Amsterdam
11:50 Contributed Talk  Simon Lansbergen: Understanding the impact of real-ear measurement optimization on SSQ and speech intelligibility Amsterdam
12:10 Contributed Talk  Marlise van der Veen: Set-up of the BoneMRI-study: feasibility of generating synthetic CT images of the head from MRI scans using machine learning techniques  Amsterdam
12:30 Lunch    
13:15 Overview Talk  Emile de Kleine Groningen
13:30 Contributed Talk  Jose L. Santacruz: Hearing Aid Amplification Schemes Adjusted to the Individual's Tinnitus Pitch, an RCT Groningen
13:50 Overview Talk Michael Akeroyd Nottingham
14:05 Contributed Talk  Raul Sanchez Lopez: The Nottingham Hearing BioResource: A “hearing-focused biobank” to accelerate research towards the future of precision audiological care Nottingham
14:25 Concluding Remarks Birger Kollmeier Oldenburg
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