


Akzentmodule vermitteln weiterführende theoretische wie anwendungsbezogene Kenntnisse in den wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Kernfächern.

Die Module haben jeweils eine Workload von 56 h (Kontaktstunden) + 124 h (Selbststudium) und erbringen 6 Kreditpunkte.

Diese vier Module sind von allen Studierenden zu belegen (Pflichtmodule):

wir889 Applied Environmental Economics

Dauer: 1 Semester
Turnus: jährlich, SoSe
Lern-/Lehrform: 2 Vorlesungen
Lehrsprache: Englisch
ECTS-Kredit-Punkte: 6,00 KP
Workload:  180 Stunden, davon Präsenzzeit 56 Stunden


Prof. Dr. Cristian Huse

Für weitere Informationen siehe Veranstaltungsverzeichnis.

wir913 Practical Project in Sustainability Economics and Management

In dem Modul kann jedes Semester zwischen verschiedenen Angeboten gewählt werden. Aktuelle Informationen zu den angebotenen Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des Moduls entnehmen Sie bitte dem Veranstaltungsverzeichnis der Universität Oldenburg.

Dauer: 1 Semester
Turnus: jährlich
Lern-/Lehrform: Seminar
Lehrsprache: Englisch
Erreichbare ECTS-Kredit-Punkte: 6,00 KP
Workload: 180 Stunden, davon Präsenzzeit: 56 Stunden

This module consists of two seminars (2 weekly contact hours per seminar) dealing with several topics from the broad field of sustainability, economics and management during term. The module’s intention is to integrate current research activities of the University from the research areas of sustainability, economics and management into teaching activities. The Module provides students the possibility to actively participate in current research at Oldenburg University. The module’s seminars each year deal with different projects and are thus designed each year by a different group of Oldenburg located researchers. This teaching concept provides the interface between theory and application of scientific theories into research practise. Thus, this module also introduces research work at universities in general.

Ziele des Moduls/Kompetenzen:

  • Methods of project management
  • Introduction into the methods of qualitative empirical research
  • Introduction into approaches to time management
  • Identification of individual or team projects in sustainability management  (case studies, empirical studies, marketing concepts)
  • Self organized work on individual or team projects
  • Mid-term and final presentation of project results

Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner

Für weitere Informationen siehe Veranstaltungsverzeichnis.

wir921 Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Dauer: 1 Semester
Turnus: jährlich, SoSe
Lern-/Lehrform: Vorlesung und Seminar
Lehrsprache: Englisch
ECTS-Kredit-Punkte: 6,00 KP
Workload:  180 Stunden, davon Präsenzzeit 56 Stunden


This module provides students with the opportunity to scrutinize firms’ sustainability management from a
strategic perspective. Specifically, students learn to evaluate sustainability-related management practices
critically, and they are enabled to relate corporate sustainability to a firm’s conventional performance objectives. To this aim, students also familiarize themselves with the scholarly discourse on sustainability that is published in leading management journals. In addition to broader strategic considerations students become acquainted with the specific sustainability-related challenges in global supply chains and begin looking at sustainability from an inter-organizational perspective. Furthermore, students will be enabled to frame sustainability aspects as springboards for more innovative and entrepreneurial firm behavior. The theoretical foundations of the module will be supplemented by practical examples. Students will also refine their reading, writing, presentation, and discussion skills in the module. Moreover, the exposition to some major theoretical developments and to empirical research methods applied in academic studies can prepare students for their master thesis.

  • Firms' motivation for sustainable business conduct
  • Conception of sustainability
  • Stakeholder theory
  • Legitimacy
  • Decoupling
  • Agency
  • Sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Sustainability and supply chain management: A brief introduction
  • Closed-loop supply chain management
  • Supply chain sustainability risks
  • Supplier management for sustainability
  • Standards for fostering sustainability in the supply chain

Prof. Dr. Christian Busse

Für weitere Informationen siehe Veranstaltungsverzeichnis.

wir898 Strategic Sustainability Management


Dauer: 1 Semester
Turnus: jährlich,
Lern-/Lehrform: 4 SWS
Lehrsprache: Deutsch/Englisch
ECTS-Kredit-Punkte: 6,00
Workload:  180 Stunden, davon Präsenzzeit:  56 Stunden

The module "Strategic Sustainability Management" provides an overview of the debates on the role of firms for sustainable development from a strategic perspective. The first session will briefly introduce the historical debate on Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility and delineate important concepts. The following sessions will use concrete company case studies as a basis for a critical discussion of questions in the context of corporate sustainability that are of strategic importance for firms. Questions that will be discussed are, amongst others:

  • How can one determine whether a firm acts in a socially and ecologically sustainable way?
  • Which factors drive and hinder the diffusion of socially and ecologically superior solutions and companies in the market?
  • To which extent is there a conflict between firm and market growth on the one hand and sustainability on the other hand?
  • Which possibilities does a company have to deal with conflicts between social/ecological and economic goals?
  • How can existing firms and value chains be transformed toward sustainability?
  • What is the role of managers and boards of directors for organizational change toward sustainability?
  • How does the ownership and financial structure of firms influence their strategy toward sustainability?
  • In how far can cooperation and partnerships between organizations help integrate social and ecological aspects in 53 firms?

In addition to discussing these questions by drawing on company case studies, students will be introduced to the corresponding theoretical concepts and frameworks in the academic literature. Also, students will be given the opportunity to test different strategies for implementing sustainability in organizations during a simulation, which allows them to gain first-hand insights into the emerging challenges. Toward the end of the course, students will apply and deepen the knowledge they have gathered over the semester by writing a seminar thesis.

Prof. Dr. Jörn Hoppmann

Für weitere Informationen siehe Veranstaltungsverzeichnis

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