4th international workshop for young historians interested in the Hanse

4th international workshop for young historians interested in the Hanse

4th international workshop for young historians interested in the Hanse, Braunschweig, Pentecost 2016

Mehr als Koggen und Kaufleute IV

‚Konflikte allerorte‘ – investigating sources regarding the ‚Braunschweiger Schicht‘ of 1374, and standardization attempts in Hanseatic trade  


4th international workshop for young historians interested in the Hanse, Braunschweig, Pentecost 2016

Since 2010, in advance of the annual congress (the Pfingsttagung) of the Hansischer Geschichtsverein, every two years an international workshop has been organized for young researchers interested in the history of the Hanse. The next workshop will take place in Braunschweig, from 15 to 16 May 2016.


This fourth edition, organized by young researchers themselves, aims to continue to stimulate the exchange of research into the Hanse by bringing together people from different regions, nationalities and disciplines.



15 May 2016: The first day, interested participants will have the chance to present (max. 10 minutes) the research project they are currently working on, have recently finished, or intend to carry out (e.g. seminar-, bachelor-, master-, or PhD-project). Each presentation will be followed by approximately five minutes of discussion. By means of these presentations, we aim to offer participants the opportunity to obtain feedback on their ongoing research and research ideas in an informal environment. Moreover, an impression of ongoing research relating to the Hanse will be obtained.


16 May 2016: The second day will be characterized by two themes. The participants will split up to take part in the workshop of their choice. After an introductory lecture of a specialist in the field in question, sources will be studied to fill a gap in the current state of research on the subject. One workshop will focus on the reaction of the Hanse to the so-called Große Schicht, a great uprising in Braunschweig in 1374. The other group will study attempts of standardization in Hanseatic trade. At the end of the day, the two groups will come together again and present their findings to each other. These findings will also be presented at the congress of the Hansischer Geschichtsverein.


Further information about the workshops


Workshop 1: More

Workshop 2: More


Target group

All students and PhD-students in History or a related discipline interested in the Hanse are welcome. We aim at bringing together (PhD) students with different nationalities. The main languages used will be German and English, though at least a good understanding of German will be necessary.


Information and registration

When you would like to join us, please send us a motivation letter in German or English before the 29th of February 2016. This letter should be accompanied by a brief description of your current/recent research project (ca. 600 words) and a brief curriculum vitae (including degree and status of education and level of German and English). We extremely welcome project presentations, but it's not an obligation to participate. Please mention whether you would like to participate in workshop 1 or 2, and whether you agree to share your contact information with other participants. Confirmations of participation will be sent halfway March, together with further information about the workshop. The accepted participants are asked to hand in an abstract (German or English, max. 350-400 words) of the research project they will present in 10 minutes at most during the meeting.


Please register per e-mail and send all documents to hanseworkshop@t-online.de. We would like to receive documents in common document formats (.docx, .odt, *.pdf).


We make an effort for offering the participants support in travel costs.


Organization team

We (Maartje A.B., Anna Binde, Michael Meichsner, Lena Mühlig, and David Weiss) have participated in former editions of the Hanse Workshop Mehr als Koggen und Kaufleuten ourselves. One of us is a Master Student, two recently obtained their M.A. degree, and two are currently working on a PhD project. We are motivated to continue this platform where young researchers interested in Hanse-related subjects can come together from various disciplines and nationalities to stimulate each other in developing research ideas and skills. Working from Denmark, The Netherlands and Germany, we aim to realize two interesting and fruitful days with you in Braunschweig.



What? The biennial workshop for young researchers interested in history of the Hanse, edition 2016. Information about the two programmes during the workshop can be found here and here.


Who? All Bachelor, Master and PhD students working on a subject related to the Hanse.


When? 15 and 16 May 2016, preceding the annual congress (Pfingsttagung) of the Hansischer Geschichtsverein.

We warmly recommend the participants of the workshop to take part in this congress as well. More information about the Hansischer Geschichsverein and the Pfingsttagung can be found on: http://www.hansischergeschichtsverein.de/pfingsttagungen.htm


Where? The city archives of Braunschweig.


How to participate? Send a letter of motivation to hanseworkshop@t-online.de before the 29th of February 2016. Include a brief curriculum vitae and a description of your current, recent or intended research project (ca. 600 words), if you like to present it. After acceptance, participants are requested to hand in an abstract (350-400 words) of the research project they will present during the meeting. 


Why participating? To meet fellow young researchers from various nationalities interested in subjects related to the Hanse, and thereby stimulate your own research.


(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p45159
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