

Fachschaft Mathematik und Elementarmathematik

0441 798 3228
(nur gelegentlich besetzt)

W01 1-118a


jederzeit nach Vereinbarung


Mittwochs ab 16:15 Uhr
(in der Vorlesungszeit)

W01 1-117

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Working culture in Germany

Das Training bietet die Möglichkeit, mehr über interkulturelle Challenges zu lernen.

Working culture in Germany, Fr., 11.11.22, 10 am-5 pm:  Room: V03 0-C001

Content and Objectives: The training offers the opportunity to understand more about our intercultural challenges. Gain insights into the influence of one's own perspective on perception with special attention on reflecting your own cross-cultural experiences and learn about various unwritten rules related to the German labour market. You will also have the opportunity to get more clearity about your values that help you to find your dream job. 
The training aims at supporting the transition into the German labour market by providing many practical tools for dealing with intercultural misunderstandings. We want to do this in an atmosphere that makes it possible to enjoy the exchange on these topics.

More at: or E-Mail to Solveig Elias

Fachschaft Mathematik und Elementarmathematik (Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: | # |
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