

Fachschaft Mathematik und Elementarmathematik

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International Entrepreneurship Summer School

Das Gründungszentrum der Uni veranstaltet vom 25.-28.9. wieder die International Entrepreneurship Summer School. Der Schwerpunkt liegt hier auf den Bereichen Gesundheit, Energie und Digitalisierung, es dürfen alle Interessierten teilnehmen

We are delighted to invite you to the International Entrepreneurship Summer School (IESS) 2023, an exciting event that will take you on a journey into the realms of health, energy, and digitalization. If you've ever contemplated working in these fields and being the driving force for positive change, IESS 2023 is the perfect opportunity for you!

Date: 25.-28.9.2023, 09-17h

Location: V03 (Ammerländer Heerstraße 138), University Oldenburg

Costs: free of charge

IESS offers you a unique chance to develop an innovative business model within one week, even if you don't have a pre-existing idea or prior experience in this domain. This year, we are thrilled to have YES - Young Entrepreneurs in Science as our partner, which gives you the opportunity to become part of a Germany wide network of innovators.

During IESS, you will:

-             Assess your skills and goals to collaborate with complementary individuals.

-             Explore and reflect on future trends to plan strategically.

-             Apply the Design Thinking methodology to create user-centric products and services.

-             Develop prototypes and test them with your potential future customers.

-             Craft a compelling narrative around your product and pitch it to diverse audiences.

Throughout the program, industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs will be by your side to guide and support you on this exciting journey.

We firmly believe that IESS 2023 presents a unique opportunity for you to cultivate your entrepreneurial skills and dive into the world of innovation.

Don't hesitate to secure your free spot and find more information by visiting our website:

We look forward to welcoming you to IESS 2023 and working together to shape the future!


Fachschaft Mathematik und Elementarmathematik (Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: | # |
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