

Fachschaft Mathematik und Elementarmathematik

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‚Work it out!‘ Events for international students Deutsch / English

„Work it out“ bereitet internationale Studierende auf den Berufseinstig in Deutschland vor und bietet interessante Veranstaltungen.

Noch Plätze frei / free places  ‚Work it out!‘ Veranstaltungen / Events

Deutsch/ German speaking event:

Mi., 27.04.2022 14:15 - 15:45, Starting a career in Niedersachsen?

Vorstellung des regionalen Arbeitsmarkts durch die Agentur für Arbeit.

In dieser Informationsveranstaltung können Sie sich über den Arbeitsmarkt in Niedersachsen und unserer Region informieren.

Die Referent*innen von der Agentur für Arbeit veranschaulichen welche Branchen, Unternehmen und Berufsgruppen den Arbeitsmarkt

in Niedersachsen und Oldenburg kennzeichnen. Es wird Raum für Austausch und Ihre Fragen geben.

zur Anmeldung 

English speaking event:

Fr., 20.05.22, 10am – 3pm: What motivates you, takes you further. Personal motivators as orientation for your professional future

This training offers reflection on your strengths and potentials in order to be able to better orientate yourself in the world of work.

The scientifically based tool Reiss Motivation Profile® is used to reflect and explore your own motivational profile and put it in the context of different job profiles.

In this way, you will learn which of your own motives are well covered in certain professions and which are not.

The goals of the workshop are: Know, understand and reflect on your own motivators. Know which aspects of working life are important for you in the long term
Have an initial idea of the direction(s) in working life, which helps you for further orientation


Stay updated German and English events, infos, getting in touch and more in the Stud.IP Group:

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Kind regards

Lukas Engelmeier

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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